Home California Tea Bags May Release Billions of Microplastic Particles

Tea Bags May Release Billions of Microplastic Particles

Tea Bags May Release Billions of Microplastic Particles

Drinking just one cup of tea brewed in a single-serving bag may expose you to billions of microplastic particles — substances that have been linked to a wide variety of health issues, like heart problems, fertility issues, and certain cancers.

Researchers tested disposable tea bags made from several common materials, including nylon-6, polypropylene, and cellulose. All of the tea bags made from these materials released microplastics, according to findings published in the journal Chemosphere.

Polypropylene was the worst offender, releasing about 1.2 billion particles of microplastics per milliliter (mL) of tea water, the study found. Cellulose released roughly 135 million particles per mL, and nylon-6 released about 8.2 million particles per mL.

“This is a lot, so if you drink a lot, you are exposed to a lot,” says Martha Gulati, MD, a professor and director of preventive cardiology at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, who wasn’t involved in the new study.

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