Home Articles How to write a Partnership Agreement: basic writing tips

How to write a Partnership Agreement: basic writing tips


Writing a partnership agreement is a tangible help to business. To simplify the process, a formal letter template is used. It is possible to structure the relationships with other participants, to describe ways of solving conflicts (if they arise). Profit (loss) shares are established. The responsibilities of each partner are carefully described. When drafting the document, the nuances of a particular business are taken into account. The instructions on what to do in the case of departure of one of the partners are also published.

Creating a partnership agreement with a formal letter template

When drafting the document, it is better to use a sample, so as not to miss important points. It is recommended to study a number of questions in advance. Only then, answers to them are fixed in writing:

  1. The name (can consist of the names of the participants). If you use a fictitious name, make sure it is not used anywhere.
  2. It is important that partners record the exact amount documented. It is published who contributes property or money before starting the business. The share of each participant is determined. In this case, disagreements about contributions should not arise.
  3. Authority of the partners. It is possible to specify in the contract the equality of rights of all participants. In this case, none of the businessmen will not be able to pull the management to themselves (without the agreement of the others).
  4. Distribution of profits and losses. They can be divided according to the shares of each of the participants. Money can be given at the end of the year (as in a public company) or taken out of the business at the request of one of the participants.
  5. Management responsibilities. For example, a person responsible for keeping documents, working with clients, controlling employees, negotiating is selected. It is desirable to cover all the details.
  6. Dispute resolution. All the nuances, including the possibility of recourse to the courts, are written out. Other alternatives include arbitration or mediation.

Decision on cooperation. It is possible to require unanimous voting of all participants or allow everyone to solve minor issues independently. The procedure for accepting new partners is described. For example, if there is a desire to expand the business.

If the process is documented, the risk of problems is minimized. Another important point is the death or departure of one of the businessmen. It is possible to describe the scheme of redemption of the share. It is desirable to record the situations in which cooperation is terminated.

The document is drawn up by the company, which assumes the role of the organizer. In its essence, it resembles a charter. It is important to determine in advance all the nuances of the functioning of the business. Even when using a ready-made sample, the final text can be proofread by full-time or freelance lawyers.

Are a sample and programs suitable for electronic signatures

You can use programs that include a collection of ready-made samples. Pandadoc is one of such programs, where users can change the settings as they see fit. The software integrates with other back-end systems that are used when running a business. The service is suitable for:

  • creating invoices;
  • storage and payment of documents;
  • administration;
  • contracts management.

When you install the program, the process of creating contracts is simplified. Templates are pre-approved for this purpose. Using transactions with electronic signatures, businessmen save time. A special program speeds up the document processing. Files can be sent by email without problems. In this case, the recipient starts reading them in 1-2 minutes.