Home Articles Buy the Right Bong for You With These Simple Tips

Buy the Right Bong for You With These Simple Tips


In the past couple of years, bongs have drastically increased in popularity. If you don’t believe us, feel free to ask any experienced stoner. And who can blame these people when bongs are generally very practical and eye-catching.

So it doesn’t matter whether you’re buying your first one, or you have concluded that the one you already have is no longer in use, or you just want to expand your collection, it’s of huge importance to purchase the right one.

After all, who wants to waste their money, right? Deciding which one is most suitable can be pretty overwhelming, however, if you’ve already made up your mind, then just follow our advice , and you’ll obtain the best one!

The Environment Your Bong Will Be

This is something that should be seriously taken into consideration. Namely, before you decide to shop for bongs, you first have to ask yourself how you are going to utilize them? Are you planning on using a bong on a daily basis?

Weekly basis? Or maybe from time to time? Besides that, ask yourself if you’re planning to share it with others, or will it be for personal use? Additionally, are you planning on cleaning it often, or not?

These questions may appear to be irrelevant at first glance, however, they are more than crucial if you want to pick the best one for yourself. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter whether it’s your first one, or the fiftieth, what matters is that it’s kept safe.

If you will do everything that’s in your power to keep it safe, then it would be recommendable to consider buying a truly technical bong. Yes, it is a bit pricey, however, the clean and cool hits it makes are certainly worth every single penny.

The Material

Bongs can be made out of several materials, including, glass, metal, plastic, bamboo, ceramic, and many others. Each of these materials offers different durability, and of course, varies in price. If you are currently tight on the budget, then maybe you should buy a plastic or metal bong.

On the other hand, if cash is not an issue for the time being, then ceramic is a great choice, but pretty pricey. Bear in mind that some of these materials can impact the taste of the smoke, such as metal and plastic. If that bothers you, then purchase the glass bong, and you won’t be having any problems.

What About The Type Of Glass?

In case you didn’t know, there are numerous types of glass and the one you should be selecting is borosilicate glass, widely known as scientific glass. Namely, this type of glass is oftentimes employed in medical settings and research.

Therefore, it’s easy to conclude that precisely scientific glass is ideal for bongs as well! Many experts suggest that this type of glass is much stronger than the other types, and certainly more durable.

On the market, you can also run into soft glass bongs, however, these are not as good as borosilicate glass and are definitely more cost-effective.

Don’t Forget The Size!

The market is flooded with a variety of different bong types and as it was mentioned in the beginning, it can oftentimes be difficult to determine which one you’re supposed to acquire. In terms of size, you first have to think about your current lifestyle.

Ask yourself, are you a person who is constantly on the move, or you’re a couch potato? If you’re the first type, then you should surely obtain a smaller bong. On the other hand, if you love to be home a lot, then a bigger one is a better option for sure. Below, we’ll get more into detail regarding the size of the bong.

  1. Mini bongs – These are generally very cute, entertaining, practical, and perfect for people who travel a lot. Their biggest virtue is that they are light in weight and ideal for people who love to be discreet when smoking.
  2. Medium bongs – Medium bongs are the most popular because they are not too big, nor too small, which is perfect. People who are using bongs on a daily basis should definitely opt for them.
  3. Large bongs – This type is intended for more seasoned smokers, but of course, even if you’re a beginner, you can use them. Additionally, they should be bought by people who do not travel a lot, nor are discreet during smoking.

Photo of Man Staying in a Dark Room


It’s easy to conclude that purchasing the best bong depends on various factors. In order to make the right decision, that you’re not going to regret later, it’s crucial to focus on everything that’s been written.