Home California Should You Try One of These TikTok Sleep Hacks?

Should You Try One of These TikTok Sleep Hacks?

Should You Try One of These TikTok Sleep Hacks?

When falling asleep doesn’t come naturally, it’s easy to see the appeal of any number of sleep hacks trending on social media that promise rapid results without the hassle of seeing a doctor or getting a prescription for sleeping pills.

After all, roughly 1 in 7 adults routinely struggles to fall asleep, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

If you’re one of these people who has trouble falling asleep, there’s no harm in trying many sleep hacks — as long as you realize that they may not work for you, says Jessica Meers, PhD, a psychologist and owner of Rhythm Wellness and an assistant professor at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, who specializes in sleep issues.

“If you are struggling with difficulty sleeping more often than not, I would encourage you to reach out to a mental health professional who specializes in sleep,” Dr. Meers says. “You don’t have to rely on hacks that may or may not help.”

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