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How Daily Meditation Improves Your Workplace Productivity


Meditation is often thought of as a personal practice, but it’s actually a great tool for the workplace. We all know that our personal lives are important, but what is more important is how we behave at work. Work sustains us, and we should be loyal to that fact. When we meditate, we should be focused on calming our nervous system, and living for the moment we’re in. Meditation can take many forms, and all it really needs to be is something that calms you down and helps you be in the moment. The key to meditation is practice and regularity to make it a habit that your brain expects and knows will have a positive effect on your overall being. When you meditate regularly, you send the message to your brain that this activity is important. Those calming effects will become easier to achieve, and you’ll be equipped to access the top level of your productivity at work, where our focus matters the most.

Meditation Takes Many Forms

The goal of daily meditation is to refocus our energy and calm our energy levels to bring them to a baseline state. This can be achieved in many ways, and there are many activities that are meditative. “Meditation is a wonderful but commonly misunderstood practice. Many think that meditation only takes one form, but the results of meditation can be achieved through a number of refocusing activities. Having a meditative practice, even a simple one like taking daily walks, can help you refocus the mind. And the more you do it, the more you reinforce the idea that this activity helps clear your mind and free space for productivity later on,” said Amanda E. Johnson, Chief Marketing Officer of HIDE.

Many feel that meditation looks like one thing: sitting cross legged with no thoughts. This just simply isn’t true, and it takes just one step toward meditation to realize that. “A daily meditative practice can look a lot of different ways. One of the reasons people shy away from it is feeling like they don’t have the time to make room for new habits in their lives. But even five to ten minutes of daily meditation can do wonders for your focus, patience and anxiety levels. Plus, the more you do it, the more your brain will anticipate those feelings of relaxation,” said Shaun Price, Head of Customer Acquisition at MitoQ.

Ease Stress

Meditation helps ease stress, which can occur quickly throughout the day at any office job. “Daily meditation can help with a number of things in the workplace. Work can get stressful, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the day to day activities in your office. Daily meditation can help ease some of that stress and help your brain prioritize the goals for your day. We all need a way to let go of the stress we encounter in our busy lives, and meditation is one of the best ways to do so,” said Ryan Rottman, Co-Founder & CEO of OSDB Sports.

What we’re really talking about here is isolated self care that we carve out every single day. “Meditation, at the end of the day, is just another form of deeply important self care that we all need to stay focused and productive during the day. Meditation focuses our energy and trains our minds to deal with the tasks at hand rather than worrying about things we cannot control,” said Melissa Rhodes, CEO of Psychics1on1.

Remember, It’s an Ongoing Practice

Remember that this won’t fix all your problems all at once. It’s an ongoing, daily practice that we need to take part in every day to see results. “Daily meditation isn’t about eliminating anxiety all at once. It’s about a repeated practice that trains the mind to expect and look forward to meditation. This can help with your workplace productivity by giving your brain something to look forward to that actually calms you down at the end of your day, or whenever you choose to practice your meditation,” said Lauren Kleinman, Co-founder of The Quality Edit.

The more you practice meditation, the more you can empower yourself to stay in the moment and have a calm state of mind. “Meditation not only helps calm your mind and refocus energy, it also empowers you to take control of your emotions and mental state. It’s common for people nowadays to feel like their mood is controlled by external forces, but meditation helps us remember that we have control over our day to day thoughts, choices and how to condition our environment to be supporting a calmer, relaxed mindset,” Juan Pablo Cappello, Co-Founder and CEO at Nue Life.

Regular Practice Trains the Brain

The more you practice, the more you will train your brain to look forward to these exercises and the more you’ll start to gain from it. “A daily practice will help you train your mind to anticipate a meditative activity. The brain will activate its reward system after some time of practicing, and you’ll start to notice that the more you do it the better and better you’ll feel each time. It’s kind of like eating your favorite food again and again, except your brain never gets sick of it!” said Brandon Sunny, CEO of Royal Moon.

When you train your mind in this way to be in the moment and focus on only the things you can control, you’ll be more prepared for challenges that come your way in the workplace. “Meditation can help us control big emotions that we might feel throughout the day. It teaches us to be in the moment, and only deal with what we can control. This is something that can help in any work environment, as so much of what we encounter day to day is not in fact something we can control. We can only control our own reactions to things that happen to us, and meditation teaches us to practice that mindset,” said Lauren Singer of Package Free Shop.

Refocus Energy

The main purpose of meditation is simply to refocus our energy inward. This helps us center our emotions and let the things we can’t control roll off our backs. “Meditation is essentially the practice of refocusing energy. Practicing daily refocusing activities can help you clear a cluttered mind and reestablish your priorities for the day. Try to schedule your meditation to take place at the same time every day, this will help you make it a habit instead of doing it a few times and then falling off the wagon. Keep it regular, and start with small bouts of meditation!” said Rachel Roff Founder and CEO of Urban Skin Rx.

One of the physical ways that meditation refocuses energy is by centering the breath, which calms down the nervous system. “Meditation helps regulate our breathing, and lowers our anxiety. The breath is one of the best ways to calm our nervous system down. This can help focus our energy and make us more calm, which is something that can influence our performance at work, which is the most important place to perform well,” said Dan Lewis of Convoy.

Meditation as a personal practice helps us train our brain to refocus and calm our nervous system down by centering our breath and focusing on the moment we’re in. This can have all kinds of benefits in our lives if we take it on as a daily practice. In the workplace, it’s easy to get overwhelmed, distracted and fall behind on our workflow. When practicing daily meditation, you’ll have more tools to refocus yourself and prioritize your workload. Meditation helps with our overall well being along with our self organization and problem solving skills. Try adding a daily meditation into your schedule today!