Home Articles College Basketball Picks To help You Win This Season Post Preview

College Basketball Picks To help You Win This Season Post Preview


In recent years, the college basketball season has become more competitive. Several schools are playing against each other every year, which means a ton of money is on the line for players and coaches alike. To truly compete in this market, you will need to be able to accurately predict the best options so you can get the most actionable information possible. Fortunately, these seven tips will help with that goal!

1) Look At Trends Early In A Season

Right now, people expect to transition into the heart of March Madness, and many power conference teams have begun to pull away from their lower-ranked opponents, who are still figuring things out as they go along. To help identify short-term trends, you can look at how many games a team has dropped in a row, giving you an idea of if they are struggling with consistency and momentum or starting on the wrong foot.

2) Analyze Conference Matchups

Analyzing the conference matchups can help you find consistent money-making opportunities for your NCAA basketball picks, especially in leagues. To do well with this strategy, you will need to be familiar with where each team is located to see when they get matched up against their opponents from the same conference. In that way, you can directly see if one team has a solid advantage over another.

3) Consider Star Players

With college basketball, you will need to be familiar with which players are the most important on each roster to make educated predictions about how things will play out. That may take some time, as some teams have more than one superstar, and others do not have any. However, when you identify the best two or three players for each side, this strategy should help your odds of being profitable with your picks.

4) Look For Teams With A Sharp Increase In Point Totals

When it comes to the point totals, you need to be focusing on the last three or four games for each team. That will clue you into what their current trends are and give you a good idea of where they are likely headed in future matchups. In reality, if one side has an increase of more than ten points from their most recent game compared to their previous ones, that is an intriguing opportunity to predict which direction they will be heading next.

5) Keep An Eye Out For Star Player Injuries

College basketball is a sport where you can be very successful if you correctly identify which injuries will hit teams. For example, if one team has had a ton of injuries in the past and has not been able to recover for several weeks or months in a row, it could impact their momentum and lead them into what could be an unprofitable situation as we head towards the end of this season. That will come from watching their upcoming schedule, seeing if their star players will be playing or not, and figuring out what previous trends might look like moving forward.

6) Cross-Reference Scores From Past Seasons

You can learn more about the current season’s future expectations by looking at how teams performed in their most recent game. That will be a better way to figure out where they are right now and what their future outlook is likely to be. Even better, if you look at how teams did in the last few games of the previous season, it will be easier to get that information as your starting point. For example, if one team lost most of their games by five or more points during December 2021, then you can guess that they are not likely to suddenly recover and turn things around before transitioning into March this year.

7) Take Advantage Of Player Trends In The NCAA

If you are trying to make money with college basketball, you will need to be able to recognize which players are trending up or down during this time of year. That is a straightforward concept, and you should be able to predict which teams will have an upcoming boost based on the best players they have on their team this season. If a team has a lot of depth and is not reliant on the top scorers, they wo not go into free-fall if one good player gets injured. In reality, they should be able to find someone else who can step up and fill that void.

If you are a college basketball fan, you might have heard of the best bookmakers. They make money by betting on what other people think and doing the opposite to them. Although it’s usually not worth the risk because of low odds, there are specific ways to bet against the books to give you a fair shot at winning. By reading the above guide, you can know the different ways to help you get some good bets on games to win money and avoid losing more than your budget allows.