Home California Eating Fish Weekly May Slow MS Disability Progression

Eating Fish Weekly May Slow MS Disability Progression

Eating Fish Weekly May Slow MS Disability Progression

Fatty fish have previously been linked with lower levels of multiple sclerosis (MS) disability, and a recent study adds further support to the benefits of fish consumption when it comes to living with MS, a disease that attacks the central nervous system.

“We were encouraged to see that patients who increased their fish intake after diagnosis still benefited, indicating that dietary changes may have a meaningful impact on MS progression, even later in the disease course,” says study author Anna Hedström, MD, PhD, a senior research specialist with the department of clinical neuroscience at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.

“While more research is needed, fish consumption as part of a balanced, anti-inflammatory diet could be a simple and practical strategy for MS management,” Dr. Hedström says.

People With MS Saw Benefits From Both Oily and Lean Fish

Drawing on dietary and health data from more than 2,700 adults newly diagnosed with MS, researchers observed that eating more fish was associated with slowing of disability progression. Participants were 38 years old on average, and were followed for up to 15 years after diagnosis.

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