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Setting Goals for Job Success: 7 Mistakes Even Executives Make


We are taught that we need to set clear goals in order to attain success in life. However, it is natural to get disappointed when you fail to achieve those on the first try.

Many don’t realize that whether we reach our goals or not is often determined by how we set them. So, if you are feeling stuck in your career or unable to meet your expectations, here are some mistakes that you might be making.

1. Set Measurable Goals

Being ambitious and thinking big can indeed be a positive attribute. However, many fail to base their goals on reality. According to Anna Thomas, a career expert from SkillHub.com, most people start by setting unrealistic goals and end up getting demotivated professionally. She suggests that you follow a SMART strategy:

  • S – Specific
  • M – Measurable
  • A – Attainable
  • R – Relevant
  • T – Time-based

For instance, let’s say your ultimate goal is to become CEO of an organization. However, you will have to start setting your objectives within your current skill set, knowledge, and opportunity. When you accomplish small steps, you will feel more inspired to take on the next one.

2. Setting no Time Frame

Another common mistake that many make is to set goals without a time frame. This is necessary to keep yourself on track.

Without any time duration or an unrealistic one, you are likely to drag it out and are bound to fail. To start with, you might not be motivated to take action or even get started because there is no deadline. When there is no sense of urgency, you might end up taking your time.

On the flip side, if you set an unrealistic time frame, if you are unable to finish, you will feel discouraged.

3. Setting Too Many Goals

Having too many goals is as bad as having none because you might end up getting nothing done. You might be chasing them all down and unable to give your attention to anyone objective properly.

For instance, if you are starting a new job search, you might be taking online courses to upgrade skills or polishing your resume and applying to jobs at the same time. Instead, you might want to first focus on acquiring a new skill, then refer to great resume examples to write your CV, and then start applying for jobs.

Doing everything at once or focusing on too many goals will deprive you of any chance to find time for yourself and enjoy life in between. You might find yourself being more stressed. And bear in mind that you are already handing your current job along with your social life.

4. Considering Only Monetary Benefits

Let’s agree. For most of us, getting ahead in our careers is ultimately to make a comfortable living. While monetary benefits are indeed a crucial factor, that isn’t the only one.

In fact, thinking only about your salary might land you in a career rut. Not only that, you might be putting your mental health at risk by staying in an unhappy job. Instead, it is necessary that you focus on other aspects, such as growth, work environment, as well as learning opportunities.

In order to have a great work-life balance, it is necessary to take a holistic approach while changing jobs.

5. Underestimating Distractions

When setting career goals, you should also be realistic about the demands of your family and social life. Many of us assume that we will have enough time to work on goals after getting done with everything else. However, that isn’t going to be the case.

Nor should you have to free up time and sleep in order to work for the goal. So, make sure that you set time aside for setbacks in between, just as emergencies, health, and even a global pandemic could disrupt your plans. There will be things that you have little to no control over, and there is no point in beating yourself up about that.

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6. Not Valuing Failure

Lastly, do not forget that even the most realistic goals can experience failure. Instead of looking at it as an excuse to give up, you should use it as an opportunity to learn.

Of course, this is easier said than done. However, after you pick yourself up, it is time to look at what went wrong and where to use this new knowledge to do better in the next round. Unless you pay heed to the lessons of failure, you will not be able to attain your goal.

7. Hesitating to hit Reboot

Many people make the mistake of not chasing goals because they are stuck in one zone with their career. But if you are unhappy with your choice of job, there is very little that can change unless you take some action.

When you feel that your career is headed nowhere, you need to figure out your priorities and move ahead. Yes, it might feel like an impossible task to reboot your career, but it might be a necessary step if it can make you happier.

Mistakes in Setting Career Goals – Conclusion

Remember that you are building your career brick by brick. In other words, you will not be able to create your mansion in one without a solid foundation and more info about it you can find here visit topresume resume review. But once you do, you can go as high as you want.

Your career goals only need to be a navigator for your professional journey. It is you who should maintain control of your life at all times. It is important to remember that the ultimate goal is to have a fulfilling life, not just a fulfilling career.