Home Uncategorized Raptoreum: the new cryptocurrency that can be mined with AMD Ryzen processors

Raptoreum: the new cryptocurrency that can be mined with AMD Ryzen processors


The cryptocurrency market continues to rise with more and more people interested in investing and/or mining digital currencies. In this segment of investing there are already a few well known more popular currencies such as Bitcoins and Ethereum, which are accepted as payment methods by many services online such as the betting online platform 22Bet app, where you can place bets on your favorite teams in the comfort of your house.

However, recently another cryptocurrency has been unveiled and is catching the attention of miners. It is Raptoreum and can be mined through processors, the most sought after being AMD Ryzen CPUs due to the L3 cache. In addition, mining systems for this new cryptocurrency are already available.

Raptoreum: The cryptocurrency that you can mine with AMD Ryzen CPUs

It looks like the Ethereum cryptocurrency now has a travel companion. Raptoreum is a recent digital currency that has been gaining more and more strength. However, unlike Ethereum and other examples this cryptocurrency is not mined through graphics cards, but through PC’s main processors (CPUs). As these CPUs are very dependent on L3 cache size for their speed, the AMD Ryzen 9 and AMD Ryzen Threadripper processors are at the TOP of the most sought after CPUs by miners of this coin.

As with Ethereum this new currency also does not normally use ASICs (as used on graphics cards) which are used to extract Bitcoins. Raptoreum’s creators have dedicated themselves to a CPU mining method powered by the GhostRider mining algorithm in order to keep this coin’s blockchain network free of ASICs.

As the algorithm to ‘create’ this cryptocurrency is dependent on the L3 cache size, the most sought after CPUs are the AMD Ryzen Threadripper or the EPYC 7742 for servers. However, the hardware manufacturer manufactures these two in smaller quantities. Therefore the focus of miners turns to the more commonly available Ryzen 9 5000 and 3000 lines.

Regarding the value, on CoinMarketCap, Raptoreum is at the time of writing this article worth 0.03611 euros. But through the following chart we can see the increase in this appreciation and the up and down movement of its value over the past few days.

There are now Raptoreum mining systems avaiable on the market

Predictably, the first images of Raptoreum’s mining systems soon appeared.

So, according to the latest information, we have the example of someone who has already purchased 28 AMD Ryzen 9 processors along with 28 ASUS Prime X570-P motherboards, each of which is valued at around 180 euros.