Home California Headache on Top of the Head: Causes and Treatment

Headache on Top of the Head: Causes and Treatment

Headache on Top of the Head: Causes and Treatment

Some of the more common causes of head pain include migraine and tension headaches, Dr. Loder says. These are known as “primary” headaches, meaning they aren’t connected to other health issues. Secondary headaches, on the other hand, stem from other underlying problems, such as sinusitis.


Many people have headaches caused by migraine on one side of the head. However, migraine can affect both sides of the head or the top, says Patricia Olson, MD, a neurologist and assistant professor at the Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis. The cause of migraine is unknown, but it’s thought that people with the condition may have inherited or developed (perhaps due to a head injury) a nervous system that’s easily triggered, Loder explains.

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