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Get to know how an amateur players turns out to be a professional player by help of this game


Let’s talk about how you can become a professional player in any game from an amateur level by following the techniques professionals use in poker. An amateur is someone who considers their game as fun and is usually indulged in it to pass their time. On the other hand, professionals take it much more seriously and they are so good at their game that they can even make their living playing poker. Here we mention some useful tips and tricks that a professional poker player does (that you should follow) and an amateur player does (that you should avoid) to improve your gaming skills.

Giving attention to Minute Details:

Amateurs and most of the clueless beginners pay attention only to themselves while playing. They have no idea what other players are doing because they tend to worry about how much they should bet or what’s their hand strength. On the contrary, professional players carefully watch how other players bet, how they react, what’s going on at the table, what sort of hands wins most of the time. This helps them to frame a winning strategy.

Treating the game as a profession:

Amateurs tend to play casually and often their mind is somewhere else during the game. Amateurs neither learn from their mistakes nor track their opponent’s progress. They don’t study the game. A professional player, on the other hand, doesn’t treat their game as a hobby. They give their 100% into the game. Also, professional players play only when there is a profitable opportunity.

No matter which game you play, you should give your full focus to it.

Always remember that poker is a game of skill:

Many people consider poker as a game of luck since the cards are distributed randomly so cards going to a particular hand are down to luck. But all the players will receive all the cards in the long run so luck evens itself out. However, the skills of poker are not that evenly distributed. Fundamentally, poker is all about decision-making. Unlike amateurs, professional players combine their knowledge of probabilities with a bit of psychology to consistently make successful judgments. If required, they even act to confuse other players and insist they take illogical decisions. Sometimes they give absolutely no expressions so that it is impossible for opponents to read their faces. They are not excited when they have a great hand. They also don’t get frustrated about losing a big pot.

Playing short stack:

Before just getting into the types of short stacks, let us know what shortstack meaning is on GetMega. Critical situations are often in these types of games, but professionals have various methods to overcome them. One such strategy is short stacking.

Shortstack meaning:

Shortstack meaning any player who has fewer chips compared to the average stack size of the poker table. Professionals play short stacks when they have very little to lose on the table. Therefore compared to 100 big blind players, they only require a small bankroll to play various stacks.

But all these said, there is surely a difference between professional short stackers and those players who are left with no other way since they have already lost a lot of chips. Professionals take the advantage of the fact that many full-stack players don’t understand how to adjust correctly to effective stacks. This is a very important gaming strategy to have.

Focus on the basics:

Amateurs sometimes try a lot and try to apply some advanced strategies which they have probably heard from competent players. But while doing so, they often overlook simple things. Some even do not have an understanding of the basics of the game. Professionals always try to win as much as possible when they have the best hand and they try to lose as little when they don’t.


Amateurs are way too predictable. This is because they have a fixed mindset and plan which they have decided and thus they play the same every time. This results in losing big if professional opponents can figure out their game plan. Professional players on the contrary adapt to game situations. Professionals having a lot of strategies in their store understand the game situation and develop the strategies that will best suit them in the current scenario. This makes them unpredictable which undoubtedly confuses and even surprises the opponents.

Having patience:

Amateurs often chase miracles. They chase straight and flush draws even when they are not getting profitable pot odds all the time. Professionals have enough patience. The right cards occasionally turn up. But going for those little rewards might cost a big loss. Also if you ask a professional winner, they will say they have never thought of winning. In other words, they don’t look too far into the game. They just look for every single profitable situation from where they get money in the pot.

Spending time away from the table:

It is a fact that you cannot think well when you are too exhausted. If you cannot think well, you will make wrong decisions. Thus professionals choose to take a little break. Although they are away from the table they are not away from the game. They watch and learn and even invent strong strategies by learning from other’s mistakes.


So these were some methods that are quite effective to master, not only in the game of poker but also apply to several other games as well. The only way to gain these attributes is to practice, practice and practice.