Home California Even Mild Headaches Can Raise Suicide Risk

Even Mild Headaches Can Raise Suicide Risk

Even Mild Headaches Can Raise Suicide Risk

People diagnosed with headaches may be more likely to attempt or complete suicide, a new study has found.

The association between suicide and headache was robust across four types of headache: migraine, tension-type headache, post-traumatic headache, and trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia (which includes cluster headache), says lead author Holly Elser, MD, PhD, a neurology resident at Penn Medicine in Philadelphia.

Although previous research has linked migraine and suicide risk, researchers in the latest study found that less painful headaches also carried additional suicide risk.

“In particular, we find that patients diagnosed with tension-type headache — which is highly prevalent and typified by mild-to-moderate symptoms — experience elevated risk of attempted and completed suicide as compared with members of the general population without a diagnosis of headache,” says Dr. Elser.

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