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Essential Functions and How to Keep It Healthy

Essential Functions and How to Keep It Healthy

“There are several factors that increase the risk of liver disease that are, for the most part, under your control,” says Dr. Kodali. Here’s how to help protect your liver:

Limit alcohol consumption. Nearly half of all liver disease deaths in America are related to alcohol use.

 Experts recommend that women of any age and men over 65 have no more than one drink per day; men under 65 should have no more than two drinks a day. (One drink equals 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of spirits.)

 “The risk of liver damage increases with the amount of alcohol you consume,” says Kodali. Nearly all heavy drinkers develop MASLD and up to 20 percent develop cirrhosis. Fortunately, you can often reverse alcohol-related liver disease by stopping drinking.

Maintain a healthy weight. “Excess weight causes fat to accumulate in the liver, which can lead to inflammation and development of scar tissue,” explains Kodali. For people living with excess weight or obesity, losing just 10 percent of their body weight can reduce liver fat, calm inflammation, and even help heal scarring.

Move your body. Regular physical activity improves blood flow to the liver, decreases inflammation, and reduces liver fat. It also helps with weight loss.

 Research has found both aerobic and resistance exercise improved liver health in as little as 12 weeks, regardless of weight changes.

 More reason to move: Physically active people at risk for liver cancer may be up to 60 percent less likely to develop the disease.

Regular activity also protects your heart — an important benefit since heart disease is the leading health risk for people with fatty liver.

Follow the Mediterranean diet. Dr. LeBrett recommends the Mediterranean diet, noting that it’s the best studied for people with fatty liver disease. Research has shown that a traditional Mediterranean diet reduced liver fat by about 20 percent, while an enhanced “green” Mediterranean diet reduced liver fat by 39 percent.

 The green version emphasized plant-based proteins, like frozen Mankai (an edible aquatic plant), placed stricter limits on red and processed meats, and added green tea to the mix.

Consider coffee. Drinking more than three cups of coffee daily may help reduce fibrosis, according to research.

 “The effects are likely due to the antioxidant content in coffee, so this holds true for decaf and instant coffee, too,” says LeBrett. Just be sure to avoid adding a lot of sugar and creamers to your coffee, as those can negate the overall health benefits.

Keep up with appointments and vaccines. Because liver disease is often silent, regular checkups are essential. “Some people only know something is wrong with their liver through abnormalities in their liver enzymes on routine blood tests,” says LeBrett. Ask your doctor if you’re up to date on your hepatitis A and B vaccines.

Be safe with supplements. “Several commonly used OTC supplements, including green tea extract, turmeric, and certain workout supplements, have been associated with liver injury or liver failure,” warns LeBrett. Those with underlying liver conditions should be particularly cautious. That said, there’s no need to panic: Complications are rare. In one study, researchers reported only 10 cases of serious liver injury from turmeric among millions of users over nearly two decades.

 Always inform your healthcare provider about any supplements you’re taking.

Use medications wisely. Even common over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen can damage your liver if misused. Follow dosing instructions carefully.

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