Home Articles 4 Best Sites to Buy Instagram Followers (Instant & Safe) in 2022

4 Best Sites to Buy Instagram Followers (Instant & Safe) in 2022


Instagram is undoubtedly one of the most widely used social media platforms to date. According to recent statistics, they have nearly a billion active users monthly. Experts predict that this number will even grow further in the future.

The problem is, the number of users itself means that you also have billions of content to compete with each month. Forbes offers a few tips on how to grow Instagram followers, but even these strategies will take time before any significant change is observed.

Fortunately, there is one other way to grow your following faster. We’ll share with you the top four sites to buy Instagram followers so that your profile is all juiced up and ready for your next social media campaign next year.

Aside from that, we’ll answer some of the most frequently asked questions we get from our readers.

Top 4 Sites to Buy Instagram Followers From in 2022


If there’s one thing that our experience in social media marketing has taught us, it’s this: nothing beats focus and expertise. That is why we enjoy working with Likes.io so much. It is a social media marketing agency that solely focuses on Instagram engagement and nothing else.

They offer four main services. These are Instagram followers, likes, auto likes, and views. Each of these services is then further divided into multi-level packages designed to fit varying budgets and needs.


Their clients have two types of followers to choose from, namely high-quality and premium followers. Both types offer followers from accounts handled by real people. The main difference, though, is getting a premium followers plan provides you with more active users一those who are more likely to interact with your account.

It will also provide lifetime refills. There really is no way to guarantee how long real followers are going to hang around.

This feature ensures that even if a few of them go away, Likes.io will make sure to refill your account and give you a more stable following.

It comes as no surprise that premium followers will cost more, though. Hence, those who want to buy Instagram followers cheap might want to get high-quality ones instead.


Here’s another social media marketing company that solely focuses on Instagram. However, there are a couple of things that set them apart from the previous agency.

First, they have a targeted approach. That means they will look for followers who are specifically interested in your niche.

Second, they also provide a 100% money-back guarantee. Both of these features ensure a higher-quality experience. You can choose from three different services: Instagram followers, Instagram likes, and Instagram views.


Each service is then divided into multiple packages. For instance, those who want to buy real Instagram followers have eight plans that they can choose from, ranging from 100 to 10,000 followers. All you need to do is provide them with your username, pay for the cost of your chosen plan, and wait for your followers to get delivered.


We understand, though, that most of us don’t really stick with a single social media platform. After all, the more accounts you have spread out, the further you’ll expand your reach. As long as you can manage all of them, that is.

This is where Stormlikes.net can help. Aside from Instagram, they also offer engagement services for Facebook, Spotify, TikTok, Soundcloud, and Twitch. They have four Instagram-focused services, namely followers, likes, auto likes, and views.


Like the previous companies we have featured, they also offer multi-tiered plans under each service. They will also provide you with an option to choose between high-quality and premium followers.

Once you have chosen the type of followers you want, you can choose between three packages ranging from 100 to 1000 followers. You can also choose whether you want your followers to get delivered gradually or instantly.

Instant delivery is great for those who are just starting to grow their influence and want immediate results. Meanwhile, gradual delivery recreates organic growth that can improve your profile’s credibility.


Finally, our lineup won’t be complete without mentioning Social-viral.com. They are one of the pioneers of the industry of paid engagement. They have even worked with the biggest social media influencers already.

Like Stormlikes.net, they also cover multiple platforms. These include Facebook, Twitter, and Spotify, just to name a few.

They have five Instagram services. These are followers, likes, auto likes, views, and comments.


Those who want to buy real Instagram followers have seven packages to choose from, ranging from 50 to 5000 followers. They also guarantee that you will get high-quality followers from real people to give your social media presence the boost it needs.

The best thing we love about Social-Viral.com, though, is the security that they provide. They guarantee that they won’t require any password from you and offer secure payment methods.

Buy Real Instagram Followers FAQs

1. How Can I Get 1000 Followers on Instagram?

There are different ways to grow your Instagram followers. Here are just some of them:

  • Invest in Quality Content

Instagram is mainly a photo-sharing platform, so sharing stunning photos should be one of your priorities. Investing in a better camera or lighting equipment can significantly help in growing your channel. However, don’t underestimate the impact of videos and witty captions as well.

  • Use Hashtags To Your Advantage

Hashtags are great in helping people find the content they are genuinely interested in. Users who find you via your hashtags are more likely to actively engage with your profile than those who just stumbled upon one of your posts while scrolling through.

Don’t flood your posts with hashtags, though. According to social media experts, there are times when hashtags can be counterproductive as well. For instance, they have observed that posts with a high volume of hashtags receive less engagement when compared to posts with just a few choice ones.

  • Post Strategically

Finally, you also need to understand the behavior of your target audience. This will allow you to strategize the content and timing of your posts better.

Keep in mind that the active times of Instagram users may vary according to the demographic they belong to. For instance, students are more active at night, while adults who work the typical office hours of nine to five have been found to engage more in the morning.

While effective, remember that these techniques will take a while before you see noticeable results. Unfortunately, that might not bode well for everyone, especially growing brands that desperately need to establish their online reputation as soon as possible. That’s why we still highly recommend buying Instagram followers if you want to achieve faster results.

2. Can I Buy 1000 Instagram Followers?

You certainly can. Some of the social media agencies we have featured above have ready-made packages that will conveniently allow you to buy 1000 Instagram followers. That said, even if your chosen agency doesn’t really offer one, you are still free to buy multiple packages at a time or even request one that’s custom-built for your needs. All you need to do is request it from them.

3. Does Instagram Pay 1k Followers?

Unlike YouTube, you should keep in mind that Instagram isn’t really the type of social media platform that pays their most popular account holders. That doesn’t mean you can’t monetize from an account with a considerable following. There are a lot of brands willing to pay Instagram influencers just to publish their photos, include them in personal posts, or even mention their names in passing in one of your videos.

The monetary rewards will vary depending on the company and the terms you have agreed upon. One thing’s for sure; you will get your investment back when you buy Instagram followers cheap.

4. Is Buying Followers Allowed on Instagram?

The answer is both yes and no. Yes, you can buy Instagram followers as long as they will come from real people.

On the other hand, if you opt to buy from questionable sources that provide followers from scam accounts and bots, keep in mind that this will go against Instagram’s terms and conditions, and it could probably get your account banned.

Fortunately, it’s easy to prevent these risks from happening. You can do so by getting your followers from a reputable source such as any of the agencies we have mentioned in our list.

Buy Real Instagram Followers in 2022

Growing your Instagram followers shouldn’t take several months to a couple of years. There is a way to achieve instant results by buying your engagement instead.

Like with any social media strategy, this method doesn’t come risk-free. Getting your paid engagement from dubious companies can put your account at the risk of being banned. Aside from that, you’ll expose yourself to potential scams and identity theft if you’re not careful.

Fortunately, there is a way to avoid such threats. Working with one of the reputable companies we have featured above will ensure that you get the followers that you pay for from real accounts managed by real people.

Good luck with your next social media campaign!