Home Articles What is the evidence behind potential Low Dose Naltrexone benefits?

What is the evidence behind potential Low Dose Naltrexone benefits?


A great deal of research, scientific studies, and anecdotal reports have addressed the many potential benefits of low dose naltrexone.  Low dose naltrexone, commonly known as LDN, is a prescription drug that can help with a range of health conditions. Naltrexone is a medication commonly used to treat alcohol and opioid addiction.. It has successfully been used for over 40 years and has an incredible safety record.

Research has discovered additional benefits when delivered at a lower dose. Naltrexone is considered low dose when less than 10mg are taken a day.  A documentary entitled The LDN Story closely examined the evidence behind these benefits. The 60-minute doc included several interviews with doctors, including general physicians and specialists. One of these doctors was Dr. Michael Arata, who said, “LDN is a very interesting agent for treating an array of different conditions, and currently it’s being used as an off-label medication in the United States, and primarily it’s for chronic medical conditions such as multiple sclerosis or fibromyalgia or gut issues so, for example, Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome.”

As mentioned by Dr. Arata, those with multiple sclerosis may benefit from taking low dose naltrexone. A retrospective study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology evaluated the use of LDN on patients with multiple sclerosis. The researchers looked at 215 patients and their quality of life. They found that 77% of patients who took LDN had no side effects, and 60% of patients reported less fatigue. More importantly, 75% of these patients said that low dose naltrexone improved their quality of life and endorsed the prescription therapy.

Studies have also found LDN to reduce symptoms of fibromyalgia. In a pilot clinical trial, researchers tested the effectiveness of low dose naltrexone when treating fibromyalgia. The participants completed a single-blind, crossover trial with a baseline period of two weeks, a placebo period of two weeks, a drug period of eight weeks, and a washout period of two weeks. The researchers measured effectiveness by having the participants report the severity of the symptoms each day using a handheld computer as well as visit a lab every two weeks for mechanical testing and sensitivity to hot and cold. The clinical trial results found that low dose naltrexone reduced symptoms by 30% over the placebo.

Similar results were found in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, counterbalanced, crossover trial. This trial consisted of 31 women with fibromyalgia who received 4.5 mg of oral naltrexone each day during the drug phase. Their daily levels of pain were measured using an intensive longitudinal design. The researchers observed a much more significant reduction in pain with LDN when compared to the placebo. Further, low dose naltrexone was associated with an improvement in life satisfaction and increased mood.

Low dose naltrexone can also help those with Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis. The American Journal of Gastroenterology shared a study that found that 81% of patients who had received a daily dose of 4.5 mg LDN responded positively. More significantly, 67% of these individuals achieved remission!

Another benefit of LDN is a reduced risk of cancer. Preliminary research has found that by taking low dose naltrexone, individuals would reduce their risk of developing tumors or getting cancer. One case report published in Cureus stated that LDN affected tumors, including non-small cell lung cancer at a cellular level. Another study in Science Direct found that low dose naltrexone inhibited colorectal cancer progression and promoted apoptosis in mice.

These off-label uses listed by Dr. Arata are just a few of the benefits people have experienced with low dose naltrexone. The prescription therapy also provides longevity benefits like increasing natural endorphin levels, reducing chronic pain, reducing food cravings, modulating the immune system, and lowering ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), which is a marker of inflammation in the body.

Inflammation is often the underlying cause of many health conditions. A 10-week crossover trial published in Biomedicines concluded that LDN showed potential as an atypical anti-inflammatory medication. It was also found to affect inflammation in a review published in Clinical Rheumatology. The authors reviewed several studies and found that LDN reduced reactive oxygen species and other neuroexcitatory chemicals. As such, it reduces ESR.

There is also a great deal of evidence supporting LDN’s effect on weight loss. For example, a study on hyperandrogenic women found that naltrexone lowered fasting insulin levels by up to 40%. Additionally, low dose naltrexone may help increase growth hormone levels which aid in developing lean body mass and increase one’s ability to burn fat, as seen in a study on obese women and LDN.

These studies support the reports and testimonials from real users of low dose naltrexone. In the documentary, Sarah Morton from Carlisle, England, spoke of the pain she experienced down her legs that continued to worsen. Her fibromyalgia caused her a great deal of pain for many years. She described it as her feeling like her body was bruised all over. After first being diagnosed, she was prescribed different drugs and anti-depressants that gave her terrible side effects. Her quality of life became so bad that she felt at a loss and didn’t know where to turn for help. Eventually, she came across low dose naltrexone in a book that mentioned its use for fibromyalgia. She then connected with a GP who was prescribing LDN in London. After taking it, life for Sarah changed significantly. She can now go about her everyday life and do the things she once couldn’t. Sarah says that she feels better than she did before her formal diagnosis.

To look at this evidence in further detail, visit AgelessRx.com. AgelessRx is a telehealth platform that puts you in touch with medical professionals knowledgeable on the potential benefits and safety of LDN. On their website, visitors can read more about the evidence behind low dose naltrexone benefits and how to buy LDN. Clinicians, doctors, and patients have seen the remarkable benefits of naltrexone when delivered at a low dose. When used to treat the health conditions discussed here, users can find plenty of potential benefits ranging from reduced symptoms to improved quality of life.