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Tips to getting good sleep for a student in a college dorm


Good sleep is the key to vivacity, energy and health. So,to achieve quality sleep, use these few life hacks. They are not universal, so try them and choose which ones are most helpful for you.

Seek the silence

If your neighbors are having fun at night, try the following:

  • Buy earplugs and use them every night. Do not wait for the neighbors to hush down;
  • Agree on what hours you need to keep quiet and ask to warn about noisy gatherings in advance;
  • If someone makes a noise on the street, contact the police.

2. Calm down

Emotions affect the physiology of the body. A fast-beating heart or intense thoughts prevent the body from believing that it is safe to rest. It often happens that students are worried about their written work, the lack of time to complete it makes them panic. But there is always the opportunity to buy essays online, and other types of work, and get a good grade for them.You need to relax, develop a daily routine, then, by a certain time, the body itself will begin to prepare for sleep. To help it, you can use various soothing techniques. If they do not work, try keeping a journal or talking about emotions with friends. By releasing emotions gradually throughout the day, you will finally calm down before going to sleep.

3. Try specialized apps

They contain helpful tips, soothing techniques, and meditations. Some will play soothing instrumental music in the background to help you drift off and fall asleep soundly. Among them:

  • Pzizz is a paid app with a trial period and one free package. It will select a soothing melody for you.
  • The Calm app will tell you simple, monotonous stories to which you will fall asleep as quickly as possible.
  • Sleep Time, strictly speaking, is not an application for sleeping but for waking up. But it will set the alarm according to your biorhythms. If you get up on time, falling asleep will not be a problem either.

4. Say goodbye to your smartphone

The phone in bed is your number one enemy. Yes, the apps from the previous paragraph help you fall asleep, but news feeds, a flickering screen, and harsh video sounds will excite you and drive away sleep. If you cannot take your eyes off the screen, then at least reduce its brightness, and turn on the blue light setting. But ideally, put your phone away 1-2 hours before bedtime. In your free time, read a book, knit, take a walk in the fresh air, and take a shower. It will be much more useful.

5. Try extra measures

You can remove all annoying factors and still have problems falling asleep… so, more advice to sleep well.

  • Buy a sleep mask, it will hide the light coming through your friend’s curtain or screen.
  • Try to ventilate the room while you sleep, or vice versa, choose a warmer blanket. Sometimes the temperature can help get into the realm of Morpheus.
  • Do all the homework that haunts you. Alternatively, you can buy essay papers from a trusted service, in that case, you can relax.
  • Your bed is a place to sleep. It is not for work or food. Remember this.Otherwise, you will sleep in crumbs and forgotten notebooks all the time. In addition, the oppressive sense of responsibility for work or study will not leave you alone. Share your living space.
  • Try to get up and wake up at the same time. On weekends it is especially hard, but the game is worth the candle.
  • Earplugs are still your best friend.

6. Food versus sleep

Everything you eat during the day can remind you about itself later at night. It is not just about alcohol or stale food. A lot of sugar or other micronutrients can also prevent you from falling asleep. So carefully watch your diet, and then at night, you will sleep like a baby.