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The Complete Guide to a Mesomorph Body Workout

The Complete Guide to a Mesomorph Body Workout

The expression “You can’t judge a book by its cover” could be applied to mesomorphs as well. Because people with a mesomorph body type look athletic, many people (even mesomorphs themselves) make assumptions about their health.

Here are the top myths about mesomorphs and the mistakes to avoid, according to Gagliardi:

Myth 1: People With a Mesomorph Body Type Should Eat Certain Foods While Avoiding Others

Fact: The best approach to nutrition is to find a healthy eating plan that a client can stick to over the long haul, Gagliardi says. “There are no hard and fast rules, and the negatively worded guidance to avoid a favorite or preferred food isn’t likely to lead to success,” he says.

Myth 2: People With a Mesomorph Body Type Don’t Need to Exercise to Stay Healthy

Fact: “Because mesomorphs are more muscular and fit looking, many people make the mistake of thinking that they don’t need to exercise to maintain their appearance or stay healthy,” says Gagliardi.

Don’t let the muscles fool you — even mesomorphs need to get the recommended amount of exercise. In some cases, they may have a healthy outward appearance, but the person may have underlying health conditions, he says.

Myth 3: People With a Mesomorph Body Type Can Eat Anything They Want Without Consequences

Fact: “This suggests that appearance equates to health. People with this body type can gain fat just like anyone else, so the notion that they can eat anything they want without it impacting their health or fitness level is simply false,” says Gagliardi.

Myth 4: People With a Mesomorph Body Type Must Have a Great Work Ethic and Love Exercise and Sports

Fact: “Just because a person looks fit or muscular doesn’t mean that they will need less support when it comes to motivation and adherence, or with finding a type of physical activity they enjoy,” he says.

The most common mistake Medlin sees is overtraining. “That’s what I see many of my clients, including mesomorphs, do. They don’t take rest days, and they don’t sleep enough. Rest is just as important as the work,” she says.

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