Home Articles TECH University: first in the ranking with over 8,100 training programs

TECH University: first in the ranking with over 8,100 training programs


The world’s largest digital university, one hundred percent online, offers the possibility of updating or training from anywhere with the best programs on the international scene.

Tech Technological University is the largest digital university in the world in Spanish, leading the ranking with an offer of more than 8,100 undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs, as well as its own programs and continuing education programs.

The university tops the ranking by number of programs offered by Spanish-speaking online higher education institutions. The list is based on the Ranking of Spanish-Speaking Online Higher Education (FSO), recognized as the first ranking focused on digital education in Spanish. From this classification, and analyzing the educational offerings of the institutions on the list, Tech Technological University is positioned as the largest digital online university in the world, almost six times the offerings of the next university in the ranking.

Tech Univerity belongs to the educational group TECH, a multinational company which has become an international benchmark in the sector. Considered by Financial Times among the 200 fastest growing companies in Europe in 2017 and 2018, it is the technology company with the highest valuation in the last 15 years, 2,000 million euros, according to the three largest North American investment banks.

It has also been also considered by Forbes as “the best digital university in the world in Spanish”, thanks to an “innovative learning method aimed at training the professionals of the future”, as highlighted by the business magazine.

International experience

Its commitment to the digital transformation of higher education has allowed it to have a presence in 24 countries, offering its students the possibility of updating or training from anywhere in the world with the best programs on the international scene. More than 100,000 students from all over the world are currently enrolled in one of its programs, with a total of 500,000 international graduates who have chosen this innovative learning methodology to train one hundred percent online, TECH explains.

Students can choose from an extensive catalog made up of its own programs and official programs with RVOE (Recognition of Official Validity of Studies granted by the Mexican Ministry of Public Education). In addition to the university’s own master’s degree and university expert programs offered in collaboration with Spain’s CEU Cardenal Herrera University, as well as continuing education programs in collaboration with Mexico’s Pan-American University.

In total, more than 8,100 options covering bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, master’s and grand master’s degree programs, university experts, management development programs, language courses and diplomas in highly specialized areas: medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, nursing, teaching, psychology, pharmacy, physiotherapy, journalism, law and engineering.

All this with the support of a large teaching staff made up of professors, full professors, associate professors, associate professors, associate professors, assistant professors and guest professors. All of them are professionals of reference in their field who collaborate with TECH to provide each program with the highest academic quality.

Quality and educational vanguard

Tech Technological University students have the opportunity to train through an innovative learning methodology, one hundred percent online, which offers quality training in a flexible manner and adapted to each student, accompanying them to achieve their goals. It has its own learning system, Re-Learning, which is combined with the well-known ‘Harvard business cases’, thanks to an agreement that allows students to apply their knowledge by facing real situations in the professional world.

The Re-Learning learning system applied at TECH is based on directed repetition and repetition over time, allowing the learning to be self-managed by the student and directed by a professional teacher, with the aim that the student overcomes the Oblivion Curve established by the German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus. TECH is the first digital university accredited to use this method, with results of excellence at the level of global reference universities.

The key to this system is to offer updated and attractive knowledge that motivates the student. An educational model supported by new technologies and oriented to serve as a bridge between the student and a rapidly evolving labor market. According to the educational group, 99% of its TECH students get a job in the first year after completing their studies, and a similar figure achieves an improvement in their professional career, favoring the employability of the professionals who pass through its virtual campus.

Working at Tech Technological University

On the employment side, employee reviews rank Tech Technological University as one of the best places to work and best rated by its employees, with a score of 4.8 out of 5 in the ranking.

Among the most frequently mentioned opinions, employees highlight the good working environment, the salary or the possibilities for improvement within the company, with options for growth both in the company’s organization chart and with the acquisition of knowledge in various subjects.

They also point out that it is a company in full growth and that it is looking for its employees to grow with it, as well as being an innovative company in its sector, the online postgraduate training. In this regard, they particularly point out that it is an enriching project and their perception of what the company brings to the world as a benchmark in the field of online training.