Home Articles Situations When You Need A Workplace Injury Attorney

Situations When You Need A Workplace Injury Attorney


If you’ve been injured during an accident at the workplace, you may be unsure of what steps to take next. You are probably not sure what steps they are, but one question you may ask: do I really need work injury attorneys? The short answer to this question is yes, but not in every situation.

Below are situations you may need a lawyer and situations where it is not needed.

When a Workplace Accident Lawyer Isn’t Necessary

Many individuals worry about whether or not they need a lawyer for workers’ comp after an injury. In certain cases, you may not need the services of a lawyer, such as:

– Your injuries are clearly job-related;

– you do not need substantial medical care;

– you do not suffer from an impairment that requires you to miss work; or

– There are no long-term consequences.

An insurance provider is probably not denying your benefits in the situations mentioned above. So, the need for a lawyer is unlikely.

When You Should Probably Hire A Lawyer

You are considerably better off having an attorney in your corner in most other situations. The following instances may be difficult without a personal injury attorney to resolve.

A lawyer might help you obtain a significantly better result in any of the following circumstances:


You have to make sure you tell your employer as quickly as you can after suffering a workplace injury. After you’ve told the employer, they’ll need to contact their insurance carrier and make a claim.

This might not yield the best results if your company does not respond in a timely manner. Having a lawyer retained can help you get this situation moving, so you can receive benefits that you need.


An insurance claim can be rejected for a variety of reasons. If your claim is rejected, you still have the option to appeal the decision. When you are going through an appeal, this adds a degree of complexity that you may not want to handle on your own. A lawyer can make sure your claim is taken care of correctly.

The appeals procedure is different by state, but most include the submission of papers and persuasive evidence. This could require you to hire a lawyer so that you increase your chances of getting the results you need.


Permanent or partial disability will hinder one’s ability to work. When a worker is injured and has a permanent partial impairment, that worker may go back to work, but unable to perform at the same level. With a permanent complete disability, this prevents an employee from working at all.

Insurance companies may try to give you less, as a disability is sure to be costly. A lawyer will help in assisting you in obtaining the benefits you need.


You may be qualified for workers’ compensation payments depending on your injuries. However, not all injuries are eligible. So, what injuries would make you eligible?

Making a call to a legal professional is the simplest method to find out what you are owed by workers’ compensation. They are skilled in workers’ compensation claims and can assist you in fighting for your right to get whatever benefits you are entitled to.