How Well Do You Know Your Stars and Stripes?


You probably know the 50 states and 13 colonies help make up the American flag, but do you know its history or etiquette? Put your knowledge to the test. Source link

Army Marksmanship Unit


Global Experts Another important AMU mission: Acting as subject matter experts in weapons development. “There’s not a week that goes by where we don’t have an external agency asking for our opinion or to test ammunition and weapons. Every organization at is coming here to ask questions,” Levy said. They’re experts whose knowledge directly feeds into...

You Can Vote From Anywhere


The Federal Voting Assistance Program works to ensure service members, their eligible family members, and overseas citizens have the tools and resources to successfully vote from anywhere in the world. Source link

Veterans Day: What Is the Significance?


Test your knowledge of how Veterans Day came about and what it means. Source link

The 'Date Which Will Live in Infamy': How Much Do You Know?


Test your knowledge about the Dec. 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, that took American lives and led the United States into World War II. Source link

Navy Cmdr. George F. Davis > U.S. Department of Defense > Story


Navy Cmdr. George Fleming Davis worked his way up the ranks to become one of the youngest destroyer commanders in U.S. history. During World War II, his leadership and fearlessness during a Japanese kamikaze raid kept his ship from being destroyed, even though...

Land vs. Sea: Test Your Army-Navy Game Knowledge


Who will "sing second" this year? See how much you know about one of the oldest college football rivalries. Source link

Remembering Pearl Harbor


Casualties Just over 2,400 Americans died in the attack – 2,008 Navy personnel, 109 Marines, 218 Army personnel (including the Army Air Forces, the Air Force’s predecessor), and 68 civilians. Another 1,178...

Celebrating Holiday Troop Traditions


Not even Santa can escape our radar. And tracking him is only one of the many ways troops celebrate the holidays. Source link

Space Force


Military Units The Space Force structure is unique. While it is a separate and distinct branch of the armed services, it is organized under the Department of the Air Force. Its mission is to secure our Nation's interests in, from and to space. Source link