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Older Adult Children of Divorce May Have Higher Stroke Risk

Older Adult Children of Divorce May Have Higher Stroke Risk

Older adults whose parents divorced may have a greater risk of stroke compared with adults whose parents stayed together, a new study finds.

“Our study indicates that even after taking into account most of the known risk factors associated with stroke — including smoking, physical inactivity, lower income and education, diabetes, depression, and low social support — those whose parents had divorced still had 61 percent higher odds of having a stroke,” said first author Mary Kate Schilke, a psychotherapist and university lecturer in the psychology department at Toronto’s Tyndale University, in a press release.

Research shows that in the United States, 41 percent of first marriages, 60 percent of second marriages, and 73 percent of third marriages end in divorce.

Stress or Trauma During Childhood Can Lead to Numerous Health Issues

Evidence suggests that adverse childhood experiences (or ACEs) — stressful or traumatic events that children may face, such as physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, neglect, or family dysfunction — can impact both mental and physical health later in life.

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