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MS, Motherhood, and Mental Health: New Study Reveals Risks

MS, Motherhood, and Mental Health: New Study Reveals Risks

Motherhood and multiple sclerosis (MS) have had a complicated relationship for quite some time. Readers who were diagnosed decades ago may remember when women with MS were advised to reconsider having children because of the stresses that pregnancy, birthing, and childrearing might put on them.

Over time, the prevailing advice changed to more of a “do it now, while you still can” line of thinking.

Today, thanks in part to organizations like the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, much more information is available for women with MS who are considering becoming pregnant, so they can make an informed decision about starting or adding to a family.

Now, a new study adds to the body of knowledge about MS and pregnancy, and it shows an elevated risk of mental health complications around pregnancy for women with MS.

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