Home California Men With High-Quality Sperm May Have a Longer Life Expectancy

Men With High-Quality Sperm May Have a Longer Life Expectancy

Men With High-Quality Sperm May Have a Longer Life Expectancy

A large new study involving nearly 80,000 men has found that those with high-quality sperm (fast, strong “swimmers”) may live about three years longer than men with poor-quality sperm.

“For all types of measured semen parameters, we saw a dose-response association to mortality — the better the semen quality and quantity, the longer life expectancy,” says Laerke Priskorn, PhD, a coauthor of the study and an epidemiologist with the department of growth and reproduction at Copenhagen University Hospital in Rigshospitalet, Denmark.

“This association remained when we took into account the men’s educational level and their health status prior to semen quality assessment, which were possible factors that we thought might to some degree explain the observed association — but they did not,” says Dr. Priskorn.

Low-Quality Sperm May Be a ‘Canary in the Coal Mine’

Priskorn and collaborators examined data on 78,284 men in Copenhagen who were being evaluated for infertility and had their semen quality examined between 1965 and 2015. Semen quality was determined by measuring semen volume, sperm shape and concentration, and the proportion of sperm that were motile (capable of moving or swimming properly).

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