Home Articles How the gambling industry came out of the COVID-19 pandemic on top

How the gambling industry came out of the COVID-19 pandemic on top


The pandemic forced consumers to stay at home for long periods of time, impacting many businesses and their revenue negatively. Everything from restaurants, sports and other entertainment businesses have been suffering. Most physical establishments closed down for longer periods of time, and some will never be able to reopen due to massive losses.

Even though many businesses and industries had to undergo serious financial damage, other industries have been able to take advantage of the pandemic and gain a huge profit. One of these industries is gambling. The gambling industry was able to swiftly move all of their activities and users online, making their revenue and profit rise quickly.

Lockdowns made way for online gambling

It is no secret that the gambling industry has benefited greatly from the various lockdowns. The industry had already been operating both on land and online for a long time, so many regular gamblers and players only had to make minor adjustments. Once users are accustomed to e.g. playing a game on a regular basis, they will obviously miss this activity if it is taken from them. This caused many regulars of land-based casinos to seek out online platforms to be able to continue their activities.

Many new players also found joy in playing online. The boredom of staying at home all day led many to seek entertainment in the form of poker, blackjack or roulette.These games not only provide hours of entertainment once the game is on – many of them also require a certain amount of research, which the user can pass plenty of time diving into. Many casino games have tactics and strategies that can be studied to increase the chances of winning. For instance, there are an almost endless amount of blackjack deviations that all go with different strategies. Players who devote enough time to getting to know these can end up winning big – and with bored casino enthusiasts having more time to fill with research than ever during the pandemic, it’s no wonder that strategy games gained so much traction.

Land-based casinos are getting back on their feet

All around the world, lockdowns and restrictions are now being lifted, which allows more businesses to reopen – including land-based casinos. This, of course, especially benefits major gambling cities such as “The Entertainment Capital of the World”, Las Vegas.

Las Vegas experienced a significant boost in the summer of 2021, although this was followed by an increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations. However, the current status of the city is that business is booming. New casinos, hotels and restaurants are popping up, and a new tunnel now connects the city. Vegas is almost over all the economic troubles the pandemic caused, well and truly proving that you should never bet against Las Vegas.

What makes people gamble, even after losing?

Gambling is a very real health concern and can lead to serious addiction. But what exactly causes a gambling addiction?

Reports say that gambling addictions occur when huge amounts of dopamine and endorphins are produced in the body during games – no matter the outcome of the bet or game. The study also found that people generally don’t play “to win big”, but because it’s fun and entertaining. To most, it doesn’t really matter if they win or lose. People play for the casino experience, not the winnings.

If you’re experiencing signs of addiction, make sure to seek help. If you know when to stop, casino gaming can be a thrilling way to celebrate the reopening of society – now that the gambling industry has emerged stronger than ever.