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Baby formula: Discover the benefits at the 4 stages of your baby’s life


Perhaps you are expecting your first baby, or you are searching for alternatives for feeding your infant now that you must return to the workplace. However, if you are reading this article, you will discover the benefits of baby formula at the four stages of your baby’s life.

A Baby formula is suitable from birth onwards as exclusive bottle-feeding or supplementing with breast milk. The easy-to-prepare powder is an excellent supplement for your child because it’s formulated with plain ingredients that provide the nutrients your baby needs.

The benefits of Baby formula you should know

A few months ago, we published an article discussing baby formula ingredients you should know, such as protein, lactose, probiotics, prebiotics, vitamins, minerals, and others.

These nutrients ensure that your baby will have everything they need to develop physical and mental capacities. Plus, baby formula has a consistency comparable to breast milk, and it’s easily accepted by newborns and infants. But do you know all the benefits of it?

Stage 1 0-6 month

The combination of ingredients found in baby formula enhances capacity for digestion and absorption of nutrients, especially because its formula contains probiotics and prebiotics that contribute to the baby’s digestive tracts.

Another benefit of formulas such as HiPP Dutch Stage 1 is enhancing the immune system because it provides antibodies that defend your baby against illness and infection.

Other important nutrients in early life nutrition are DHA and ARA, the primary omega-3 and omega-6. Found in breast milk, these nutrients are essential for the maturation of the brain, nervous system, and cognitive growth.

Stage 2: 6-10 month

At the second stage of infancy, your baby should be introduced to other nutrients for healthy growth and development like carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals for complete nutrition.

However, the baby formula must be easy to digest to reduce the possibility of developing gastrointestinal problems. Good quality products, such as Baby’s best food, provide hydrolyzed proteins that are easier and faster to digest.

Stage 3: 10-12 month

At the third stage of infancy, baby formula must be easy to digest to promote a healthy appetite, especially because at this stage, your baby needs to be introduced to solid food.

To reduce the risk of developing allergies, it’s important to choose a hypoallergenic formula, especially designed for babies with sensitive stomachs.

Stage 4: 12+ month

At the last stage, baby formula’s nutrition is complete, which means it provides all the nutrients for healthy development and growth, even more than breast milk and solid food, which means it can be used as a supplement for toddlers.

Which is good, because these formulas contain nutrients and calories to meet energetic demands for kids older than one year. Plus, the formula builds strong bones and teeth because it contains calcium and phosphorus.

After reading this article, you’re convinced that baby formula provides tons of benefits for growing infants. Still, we recommend you follow the guidance of your baby’s pediatrician to understand what is appropriate for your kid.