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Autoimmune Disease Misdiagnoses Harm Patients’ Well-Being, Study Finds

Autoimmune Disease Misdiagnoses Harm Patients’ Well-Being, Study Finds

Chronic autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels) can be difficult to diagnose and are often wrongly identified as psychiatric or psychosomatic (emotional symptoms that manifest physically, like a stress-induced stomachache).

When doctors misdiagnose these conditions as “all in your head,” people may experience damaging effects on their well-being and self-esteem, and lose trust in healthcare services, according to a new study based on responses from more than 3,000 participants.

“Although many doctors were intending to be reassuring in suggesting a psychosomatic or psychiatric cause for initially unexplainable symptoms, these types of misdiagnoses can create a multitude of negative feelings and impacts on lives, self-worth, and care,” said lead study author Melanie Sloan, DrPH, a researcher with the department of public health and primary care at the University of Cambridge in England, in a statement.

“These [issues] appear to rarely be resolved even after the correct diagnoses. We must do better at helping these patients heal, and in educating clinicians to consider autoimmunity at an earlier stage,” Dr. Sloan said.

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