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ADHD May Shorten Life Expectancy, Study Finds

ADHD May Shorten Life Expectancy, Study Finds

“What is really important to remember is that a reduced life expectancy is not inherent to ADHD, but could occur where a person experiences adversity and doesn’t receive the support they need,” says senior study author Joshua Stott, PhD, a professor of aging and clinical psychology at University College London.

ADHD Shortened Life Expectancy From 7 to 9 Years

For the study, researchers followed more than 30,000 adults with ADHD and more than 300,000 adults without this condition for roughly two decades starting when they were typically in their late teens or early twenties.

During the study, a total of 193 males with ADHD died — a mortality rate about 89 percent higher than men without ADHD. Similarly, a total of 148 females with ADHD died, for a mortality rate more than twice as high as for women without ADHD, according to findings reported in the British Journal of Psychiatry.

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