Do talk to a dermatologist. Make an appointment with a dermatologist who specializes in treating psoriasis — he or she will be aware of the latest developments regarding treatment plans. Be prepared to discuss the details of your condition with your doctor, including when you first noticed it, what your symptoms are, any situations that seem to make your symptoms worse, and what treatments have and have not worked for you in the past.
If over-the-counter products don’t help, your doctor may prescribe a moisturizing cream that contains medication.
Be especially diligent about moisturizing during the winter months, when cold outdoor weather and overheated buildings are a particularly drying combination. “In psoriasis, the epidermis builds up rapidly, producing a thick scale,” says James W. Swan, MD, former professor of medicine in the division of dermatology at Loyola University Medical Center in La Grange Park, Illinois.
When the skin is hydrated, the scales soften and fall away, alleviating itch and dryness. “But not using anything on the skin for three days will allow the scale to get very thick,” says Dr. Swan.
Do take a soak. Soaking in a warm (not hot) bath for 15 minutes can help loosen scales and help reduce the itching and inflammation caused by psoriasis. Adding sea salt, oatmeal, bath oil, or a bath gel containing coal tar to the water can further soothe and moisturize your skin. If you live or vacation in an area with mineral or salt baths, take a dip in one. Both are associated with relieving psoriasis.
Do get some sun. For reasons experts still don’t fully understand, psoriasis lesions often diminish when exposed to ultraviolet light. So while sunbathing is discouraged for most people because of the risk of skin cancer, it can be helpful for those with psoriasis. The trick is to make sure that only the areas affected by psoriasis are exposed.
Cover unaffected skin with clothing or a sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 30. Limit sun exposure to 15 minutes, and be careful to avoid sunburn, which will only make matters worse. It may take several weeks to see an improvement. Avoid tanning beds, which don’t produce the same healing effect and may actually be harmful.
“Ultraviolet B light reduces the inflammatory cells from the skin that is causing psoriasis,” says Swan. “It also slows the cell proliferation that results in the scaling.”
Discuss your feelings about the disease with your family, friends, and doctor. In-person and online support groups for those with psoriasis can also provide support and help you remember that you’re not alone. Psoriasis organizations, such as the National Psoriasis Foundation, can connect you with others who are living with psoriasis, as well as keep you informed about research developments and opportunities to get involved in fundraising walks and other events.