Home Articles What Might You Want to Know About USDT Interest Rate?

What Might You Want to Know About USDT Interest Rate?


Investors are always looking for new ways to make money. Unfortunately, good investment opportunities have become scarce over the years and are not yielding as much profit as the investors may be looking for. Various economic forces have negatively impacted business and many investments. For example, interest payouts from bank deposits are no longer impressive when we factor inflation and other things.

Cryptocurrencies as a way to invest

Luckily, cryptocurrencies have opened up opportunities to earn interest on crypto savings and realize profits on selling the coins. But, due to the volatility of the cryptocurrencies, stablecoins have emerged to offer some of the benefits of digital currencies, but without the risk of volatility.

Tether (or USDT) is one of the stablecoins that offer many benefits while safeguarding investors’ wealth because it is stable. It is backed by a ratio of 1:1 to the US dollar ratio. Tether prices move the same way as the USD, unlike the BTC, which is quite volatile. In addition, you can earn interest on USDT if you deposit your Tether with a platform such as YouHodler, CoinRabbit, which offers to deposit not only Ethereum’s Tether but also Tron’s, Binance, and others, that has interest-earning crypto savings accounts.

How does USDT earn interest?

Are you wondering how USDT earns interest? Well, the Tether interest rate and earning follow the same principle as the interest on fiat currencies, except that it’s based on the amount of USDT deposited instead of the amount of fiat. You get paid for the USDT savings that you have with a crypto loan provider.

The crypto bank providers lend USDT to borrowers, the same way fiat banks lend to various users. The USDT interest rate that the lenders charge the borrowers is higher than the interest rate at which the platform pays you for saving your Tether with them. They profit from the difference between the USDT lending rate and the rate they pay customers on Tether savings. Therefore, you earn the USDT interest rate for lending Tether indirectly to borrowers through the crypto loan platforms.

“In addition, you can earn interest on USDT if you deposit your Tether with a platform such as YouHodler, [CoinRabbit (https://coinrabbit.io/earn), which offers to deposit not only Ethereum’s Tether but also Tron’s], Binance, and others, that has interest-earning crypto savings accounts.”

How to get the best USDT interest rate?

Since you want to get the best returns for your investment in the USDT, you need to know how to get the best USDT interest rates on your savings. Luckily, you can get a lot of information online. You should compare the rates at which various platforms pay you interest if you deposit your Tether on them. In addition, you can use a Tether interest calculator to calculate the multiple aspects of your USDT interest, for example, the weekly interest, the periodic payouts, and others hence making a better comparison among the various platforms or crypto loans providers.

What are the risks associated with chasing high USDT interest rates?

Although USDT is a stablecoin, there are few worries about the coin losing value unexpectedly, you face a few risks when looking to earn interest on USDT by depositing with crypto lending platforms. Some of the risks include:

  • The platform can collapse or go bankrupt
  • Tethers deposited in fixed deposit accounts are not accessible for other uses, as you earn interest from them
  • Interest rates fluctuate and can drop in future


You can get your USDT to work for you by choosing to enjoy the USDT interest rate on your savings from crypto loan providers. However, you still need to be cautious to avoid any loss if the platforms go under. One way to protect yourself is to save on several platforms hence spread the risks.