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What are the risk factors and preventive measures of heart diseases?


As we are aware, the number of people with heart diseases is constantly increasing every year. Heredity and lifestyle changes play amajor role in developing these heart diseases.

This article aims at listing out the risk factors of heart disease to help you find out if you are at risk of heart disease.

What are the risk factors of heart diseases?

  • Diabetes: Diabetes increases the possibility of developing heart diseases much more than any other metabolic disease. If the diabetes condition is not under control, the high blood sugar levelswill destroy the arterial walls and lead to the development of coronary artery disease.
  • High blood pressure:Like diabetes, having a history of high blood pressurealso increases the possibility of having a heart attack (and also stroke) by many folds. Having long-standing untreated hypertension can lead to life-threatening problems including cardiac death. Hence, it is mandatory to take the prescribed anti-hypertensive medications as prescribed and follow the recommended lifestyle modifications.
  • Obesity: Having a high body max index (BMI) makes you prone to developing heart diseases. Hence, it is important to lose weight to improve heart efficiency and prevent heart attacks.
  • High cholesterol levels: High cholesterol levels are directly linked to the development of heart disease. The reason will be the deposition of the excess amount of cholesterol on the walls of the arteries. This accumulation willblock the blood flow thus resulting in heart attacks. This condition will further worsenif the HDL (good cholesterol) levelbecomes low and the LDL (bad cholesterol) levelgoes high.An increase in cholesterol levels may occur due to excess fat intake in diet or hereditary factors. Both these factorscause rigorous control on the overall production of cholesterol in your body in order to avoid the development of atherosclerotic heart disease.
  • Smoking: Cigarette smoking causes injury to the blood vessels and destroys them. Studies have reported that you will reduce the risk of getting a heart attack by 50% within the first 24 hours once you quit smoking.
  • Sedentary lifestyle: Having a sedentary lifestyle with little tonil physical activities makes an individual prone to develop heart diseases. Consuming junk foodsrich in carbs and fats might worsen your heart health furthermore. Hence, it is mandatory to make lifestyle modifications to reduce the chances of having heart disease.
  • Snoring:People with a positive history of sleep apnea or snoring are more prone to develop heart disease over a period of time in case the snoring is left untreated.
  • Hereditary factors: A positive history of heart disease, especially mortality rate due to cardiac reasonsbelow the age of 50 years in your family puts you at risk of developing heart ailments at some point of time in your life.

Based upon the above risk factors, if you think you are at a huge risk of developing heart disease, it is strongly recommended to follow appropriate preventive measures.

How can you prevent heart diseases?

To prevent heart diseases, it is mandatory to improve your blood circulation and reduce cholesterol accumulation.

Here is the list of preventive steps you can follow at home:


·        Fat-Free or Low-fat Milk or Yogurt

Dairy products are enriched with electrolytes like calcium and potassium that have cholesterol-reducing properties. Consuming these dairy products every day will reduce the blood pressure in the body and deliver vital nutrients to your body.

·        Walnuts

Walnuts are an enriched source of omega-3-fatty acids. This content is different from the one you find in the fish. Walnuts have cholesterol-lowering properties, which are good for taking care of the heart. Make it a habit to incorporate walnuts into your routine diet.

·        Dark Chocolate

Cacao is the plant used to prepare different varieties of chocolate. This dark chocolate is rich in flavanols.It helps in reducing your blood pressure and prevents blood clot formation in your body. Furthermore, dark chocolate also has antioxidant properties that reduce cholesterol levels.

·        Oatmeal

Oatmeal includes a major fiber component known as beta-glucan. This component lowers your cholesterol level in the body. Just one and a half cups of cooked oatmeal can provide the required amount of beta-glucan to reduce the cholesterol level. This is a very good breakfast option to nourish your health.

·        Salmon

Salmon is common seafood to be consumed. It is good for heart health because it has omega-3-fatty acids. This componenthas anti-clotting properties that help in blood circulation. It will also help to maintain cholesterol levelsat the proper limit.

Practice yoga and physical exercises

Continue to practice yoga, especially pranayama, and physical exercises like strengthening exercises to improve the blood circulation in your body. Go walking or jogging at least 4 times per week for around 45 minutes to one hour.

Is there any instrument that can help in improving your circulation?


The use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy at an extremely low frequency proves to be a safe, effective, and non-invasive method in improving blood circulation in patients with diabetes.

However, you need not have to visit the clinic for undergoing PEMF treatment every time. Purchase a PEMF device for your personal use. With PEMF therapy, you can improve overall heart health in an easy, affordable, and painless manner.

To get one for yourself at an affordable price, contact SentientLight, one of the topmost PEMF equipment suppliers in the United States.