Home Articles Male Extra Pills Review, Comparison, and Results(8-Months Experience)

Male Extra Pills Review, Comparison, and Results(8-Months Experience)


A weak erection is a big problem for a man. There can be many reasons for it, and the concern can display itself in different ways:

  • Lowexcitabilityandsexdrive
  • Lackoferection
  • Weakorshort-livederection

Eventually, you may be diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. These are age-related problems, stress, previous operations, improper treatment, antibiotics, injury, lifestyle, or obesity.

It doesn’t matter what the exact cause of your erection problem is. The important thing is that it can be dealt with without taking any synthetic stimulants, medications, or treatments that can cause side effects.

Male Extra Brief Review

  • Prices:1 month supply – $64.95, 4 months – $129(+free erection ge), 6 months – $249.95(free erection gel), 12 months – $395.95(4 erection gels)
  • Ingredients:L-arginine, Organic sulfur, L-methionine, Zinc, Chinese cordyceps extract, Niacin
  • Made by:SsshhLimited;
  • First/Max results:30/360 days
  • Shipping: Worldwide (Free)
  • Official site:maleextra.com
  • Summary:Male Extra pills is a natural-origin product, a dietary supplement that combines many natural extracts, amino acids, and aphrodisiacs that can have a beneficial effect on your testosterone level in the blood and the flow of oxygen-rich blood into your penis. Yes, we are talking about natural male enhancement.

Male Extra is one of the few supplements on the market that can effectively combat erectile dysfunctionwithout side effects.

Why do I like Male Extra?

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There are no unknown, incomprehensible ingredients in the formula like there are in similar products. Instead, it contains unique components, like pomegranate 40% Ellagic Acid, which no one else has. It is Male Extrathat helps to restore male sexual function powerfully.

I want to draw your attention to the properties of pomegranate juice extract to improve erection:

  • It stimulates blood circulation by filling every blood vessel with oxygen-rich blood.
  • It stimulates a long-lasting erection.
  • It powerfully activates the prostate gland, replacing the massage effect.
  • Your penis size can increase thanks to the strength of your erection and the relaxation of penis tissues.

In various reviews of Male Extra, you can find facts about how the formula works, the benefits of using it, and its characteristics.

My experience

As a man suffering from erection problems, I tried Male Extra to know what is important for people, including understanding the formula: its components, how they work, and whether they suit me. I did not want to have side effects, and I wanted to see a result.

Here’s what is included in the composition:

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  • L-arginineis an amino acid effective against erectile dysfunction and is included in the most powerful formulas like Male Extra.
  • Organic sulfuris a mineral that can restore male sexual function, and it even helps control ejaculation.
  • L-methionineenhances the action of the testosterone hormone in the blood.
  • Zinc is an essential mineral for improving sperm quality and fertility.
  • Chinese cordyceps extractcame to us from Tibetan medicine. It is proven to increase male libido.
  • Niacin helps to dilate blood vessels, relaxing them so that they can let in more blood, making your erection powerful.

Why should you trust Male Extra?

This product appeared on the market in 2009, and for 12 years, it has been satisfying men with its effectiveness. Thousands of men have purchased Male Extra, and their reviews can be found on many specialized forms, blogs, and social networks.

You can trust this erectile dysfunction product because of the following facts:

  1. It is officially sold worldwide and certified for sale without a prescription.
  2. The manufacturer guarantees its effectiveness.
  3. The first results are noticeable within the first two weeks of taking the supplement.
  4. The main component of the formula is ellagic acid, which provides the desired effect on all men. 
  5. Male Extra manufacturer is a known pharmaceutical company.

Check out maleextra.com to get the best deal

How to take Male Extra to get rid of ED

You need to take three tablets a day. The effect will be noticeable during the first two to three weeks, and you will see significant results in two to three months.

My improvements were gradual, but I noticed them after two weeks. My erection strengthened, and the desire arose spontaneously.

After one to two months, I felt a rush of blood to my penis, which was reflected in achieving an almost maximum erection. I continued to take the pills and was upset that it took so long to wait for the result, but I should have been more tormented.

After three months, I felt noticeable changes:

  • I began to achieve an erection faster, and it became stronger than ever.
  • I had sex more often, and it took less time than usual. My girlfriend was especially annoyed by my lengthy foreplay.
  • The quality of sex changed markedly since my erection used to subside within 10 minutes after having sex, and I had to stop intercourse.

The best results were seen in five to six months when I felt the cumulative effect. Moreover, it was stable. My erection did not weaken, nor did I become less hard at any point. On the contrary, the results improved every day, which inspired me to continue taking it and give up bad habits, play sports, and eat healthily.

I even took up yoga to relieve stress at work and personal life, where I experienced disruptions.

I completely got rid of my erectile dysfunction around the eighth month of taking the pills.

You become confident when you know you can have sex for longer than one hour, and your erection is your pride. It is so important to relax during sex, not to think your erection can’t last or that you are about to ejaculate too quickly.

Male Extra replenishes your energy and recharges your sex life.Click here to order this supplement at the lowest price possible

Comparison of Male Extra with other well-known tablets

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To compare Male Extra and other natural products, I will highlight the best on the market:VigRx Plus, ExtenZe, Max Performer.

It doesn’t make sense to include any other erectile dysfunction products on this list because other products are not worth your attention. They are not certified, they are unknown, their effect is incomprehensible and not confirmed by doctors, and there are almost no reviews about them.

So let’s compare:

Male Extra vs. VigRx Plus

These two formulas are different both in their composition and in the clinically proven effect. VigRx Plus has a number of benefits (for example, clinical studies have proven its effectiveness). The formula improves erection quality and can completely eliminate erectile dysfunction.

Male Extra may work better for some men since the formula composition. Additionally, the pomegranate 40% ellagic acidin Male Extra has a stronger effect than the components of VigRx Plus.

Male Extra offers a 100-day money-back guarantee. VigRx Plus provides only a 67-day guarantee.

Finally, Male Extra can help fight premature ejaculation and even increase sperm count. This is possible due to the presence of zinc in the formula, which improves sperm quality.

Male Extra vs. ExtenZe

Today there is a lot of conflicting information about ExtenZe. This product has been found to use Yohimbe, a potent ingredient that can cause side effects. Male Extra does not, and it has a better reputation in the market.

Today there are many confirmed facts that ExtenZe can be ineffective.

Male Extra vs. Max Performer

These two products are completely different in terms of their formula composition and effect. Everything matters here:

  • Success rate:Male Extra is more effective for most men than Max Performer.
  • First and final result: Male Extra produces results much earlier than Max Performer, and after six or seven months, you can eliminate your erectile dysfunction.
  • Based on reviews, the number of customers, and time on the market, Male Extra surpasses its competitor.

Where to buy Male Extra

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Today, this supplement can be found on many marketplaces such as Amazon, Walmart, GNC, and Walgreens, but I can only recommend one place to buy online – the official website.

Such a purchase is profitable, comfortable and provides many advantages:

  • The best price comes from buying from the manufacturer
  • When buying for three to six months, you get good discounts and a gel as a gift
  • Free international shipping
  • Manufacturer’swarranty
  • Fast delivery
  • Quick andsecurepayment

You can order Male Extra from the official site at the lowest price possible

Should I buy this product alone?

Male Extra is 100% hitting the target. This is the same natural supplement that will allow you to eliminate your erectile dysfunction problem. It stimulates your body and your sexual function.

You can increase testosterone levels, replenish the loss of essential trace elements and vitamins, and rejuvenate yourself. After all, our youth is represented in stimulating sex, orgasm, and pleasure.

The most important thing is to choose a safe and high-quality product. These characteristics perfectly describe Male Extra.