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How To Find a Business Name That Works for Your Company


The name you give your business is vital to its success, but it is surprisingly difficult to come up with a good name just by brainstorming. If you’ve tried, you know it’s true. To give yourself a creative springboard for naming your business, you can use Namify’s free online business name generator to instantly see dozens, or hundreds, of high-quality name possibilities — all inspired by your own keywords and filters.

Your Business Name Can Make or Break You

How important are business names? They can make or break your business. Jeff Bezos originally planned to call his company “Cadabra.” After someone thought he was saying “Cadaver,” he switched to thinking he’d call the company “Relentless.” People told him that didn’t seem very friendly, so he ended up going through the dictionary till he got to “Amazon,” which sounded big and started with “A.” Good call!

A now-famous shoe company was known as Blue Ribbon Sports during its early years. When the time came to rename the business, the boss wanted “Dimension Six” — which the staff pointed out was “unspeakably bad.” Fortunately, an employee literally dreamed up a much better name the night before the deadline: “Nike,” the goddess of victory.

Google originally called itself “BackRub.” You’re probably grateful that you don’t have to “backrub it” every time you search online. On the other hand — and this is the point — Google might never have become the leading search engine if it hadn’t changed its unattractive business name.

Your Business Name Should Speak to Your Customers

When you use the Namify business name generator, you can easily browse through column after column of unique names that nobody at your company would have come up with in a million years, and which may instantly knock your current favorite candidates out of the field of consideration. This is the kind of power you want in your corner when you are trying to find the right name for your business to communicate to your ideal customers.

For a personalized list of business name possibilities, Namify’s business name generator lets you search using multiple keywords. This helps ensure that your target customer and your company name are in sync. You can also generate names using selected categories (such as fashion, green energy, or consulting) and filters (such as how many words and how many characters you want your business name to have).

Your Business Name Needs a Domain Name

The perfect business name isn’t perfect unless there’s a matching domain name. The suggestions presented to you by the Namify business name generator have already been prequalified as having domain names available.

The wide range of site extensions these days makes finding an appealing business name/domain name combo much more doable, enjoyable, and affordable than it used to be. Your business name URL can end in .store, .fun, .tech, or many other easy-to-remember extensions.

There are millions of business names already in use, but there are many more great ones waiting to be discovered. You can give yourself a serious headstart by letting Namify’s business name generator give you some suggestions.