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 Dr. Ray Nettles -A California Doctor Offers Natural Hair Regrowth Due to Androgenic Alopecia


Everyone wants long, health lustrous hair.  For men and women, it is a part of who you are and a sign of youth and vitality. But what happens when you start seeing more than usual hair on your brush or in the shower. Over time you begin to find ways to cover thinning areas or even bald spots.  You do not have to resort to wigs, extensions or toupees. Over the counter treatments are messy and you must use long-term. What you want is your own hair back!

Dr. Ray Nettles, a renowned California physician has been helping men and women with hair-loss and re-growth. He has over 25 years of research and clinical treatment. Dr. Nettles feels every man and woman is unique, so your hair loss can also be unique. Dr. Ray Nettles is the inventor of the first treatment for androgenic alopecia a condition that affects both men and women at all phases of life.

His first Stop and Re-Grow Hair re-growth office was in Beverly Hills, CA back in 2012.

Dr. Nettles history: In 2002, he had just completed his ‘Vitreo-Retinal” Ophthalmology Fellowship at the prestigious Eye Consultants in Atlanta, Georgia alongside Drs. Halpern and Frank, this is when Dr. Nettles’ Stop and Regrows single most remarkable discovery took place, the follicular growth stimulating properties of a subset of ‘Prostaglandin’ MOLECULES was FIRST identified.

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Not a fan of ‘biochemistry’ in medical school nor “organic chemistry’ at the University, (without an ‘actual’ case to understand), the task of biomolecular research was much easier this 3rd bite at the apple.   Silicon Valley and Southern California are synonymous with SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY.

35 years ago, ‘Ortho-molecular’ medicine was still in its ‘infancy’ and ‘precision’ medicine not yet on a politician’s lips.  “Things” smaller than ‘wavelengths’ of light had been ‘considered’, but not until the advent of ‘Xray’ crystallography was it possible to make out the ‘shapes’ of those tiny puzzle pieces, termed ‘MOLECULES’ which comprise CELLS.

Then in the late 1990s, a handful of clinical research scientists, specialty compounding pharmacists and age-management focused endocrinologists started the “Anti-Aging Medicine” Teaching Conferences. I guess you could say Stop and Regrow HAIR and Dr. Nettles was destined for Southern California.

Dr. Nettles Hair- The Re-Growth Process

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Dr. Nettles developed a comprehensive set of lab panels to understand not only the factors contributing to your hair loss, but that also impact to the patient’s overall health and well-being.

Hair loss is genetic, therefore Nettles started to research genetic inheritance patterns and DNA which led to medical school followed by specialized training in all facets of hair restoration, including working alongside pioneers of the FUE method.

Nettles realized the classic hair transplants do not stop the progress of hair loss and had an AHA moment when discovering that just as we now understand the good and bad types of cholesterol, so testosterone also has good and bad components and that the ratio between them would lead to his ultimate discovery of precision medicine.

Anyone is welcome to visit with Dr. Nettles. He and his staff have in – office visits and you can meet with Dr. Nettles virtually globally. Since the pandemic, many clients are virtual, however you will always receive the same great personalized care and achieve the same amazing results.  The program has been built by Dr. Nettles to be easy to use at home.

Nettles has spent years studying biochemistry, working with a team of scientists and pharmacists and in research and development of this program to ensure that it is both simple to use and so that it works every time.

He has developed a partnership with a national labs company to provide access to the Biochemical Report Card labs needed to understand each person’s individual causes of hair loss as part of the initial assessment process.  Their clients have access to over 4500 blood draw locations right across the US.

It’s important to understand that you cannot effectively treat anything unless you fully understand the all the underlying root causes.  What we have found with hair loss is that even though for most people there is a genetic component, even that is not the same for everyone and there are other factors involved too.  Unless we identify and treat everything impacting your hair health it’s not possible to be successful,” stated Nettles.

Hair regrowth takes time.  On average their clients should expect to regrow their hair in 1/3 to 1/2 the time they took to lose it depending on how compliant they are with the program.  Hair does not regrow overnight; each follicle loses hairs one at a time. Hair grows back one at a time.  But there is no-one else who can deliver hair regrowth as fast as Dr. Nettles.

If you are suffering hair loss, it is wise to catch it early. It better as well as more cost effective to prevent hair loss. Additionally, there is a point after which hair follicles will be reabsorbed by the body and can no-longer be revived and their hair regrown.

So, if you are experiencing hair- loss and want your real hair back give a call to Dr. Nettles.

Start your hair journey by visiting: stopandregrow.com