Home California Cannabis and Diabetes: What You Should Know

Cannabis and Diabetes: What You Should Know

Cannabis and Diabetes: What You Should Know

There’s not a lot of research on how cannabis use may impact those who have diabetes, says Scott Pilla, MD, a member of the American Diabetes Association’s professional practice committee and an assistant professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore. “In general,” Dr. Pilla says, “it is not recommended … there really is very little research on long-term cannabis use, either as a therapeutic or recreationally.”

Health authorities generally recommend against the use of cannabis, for people both with

 and without diabetes,

 but there are clinicians who support its use. Desiree Granados, MD, an integrative medicine specialist in Fort Myers, Florida, who specializes in weight and blood sugar management, says she generally considers cannabis safe for those who have diabetes.

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