Home Articles Best Ways to Use Minced Onion in Your Home Cooking

Best Ways to Use Minced Onion in Your Home Cooking


Onions are one of the most versatile root vegetables that add complex, savory flavor to dishes prepared worldwide. During preparation, onions emit an unmistakable, robust aroma, becoming milder and sweeter during caramelization and exposure to high temperatures. Although onion’s presence in sauces and entrees is more modest after cooking, they put forward a unique flavor profile that complements many dinnertime favorites.   

A Time Saver in the Kitchen

Many home cooks have discovered the advantages of using dried minced onion instead of fresh onion in recipes. In addition to cutting time from vegetable preparation and eliminating cutting and dicing, Minced Onion can also reduce the cooking time for some recipes and permit flexibility. However, some dishes depend on fresh onion’s water content for a favorable result, but the liquid in meals like chili and soups naturally rehydrates the onion, resulting in a delicious flavor. 

Substituting dried minced onion for fresh onion is a straightforward process for most recipes. Due to the concentrated taste, using dehydrated onion means adding a substantially smaller amount to achieve the same taste. One tablespoon of minced onion flakes is an appropriate substitution for one-half of a large or an entire small onion to add that sharp, sweet flavor to food. 

Rehydrating Diced Onion

While using minced onion in dried form works well in most recipes, some dishes will work best with the liquid provided in fresh onion. In cases like this, rehydrating minced onion is an uncomplicated process that’s completed in less than 20 minutes. Measure out the recommended amount of dried minced onion into a small bowl and cover with hot water. Allow the mixture to sit for 15 to 20 minutes before pouring off the excess water. At this point, the onion is ready for use in any recipe as a substitute for fresh onion.

The extreme ease of cooking with minced onion is a significant factor in the spice’s popularity. While the shelf life of root vegetables like carrots, garlic, and onion is substantially longer than many other foods in this category, the risk of rotting is there, leading to waste. However, while dried minced onion will not remain potent forever, it will retain freshness for two to three years.

Ready to Give it a Try?

Onions of all types are known for being extremely easy to cultivate, even for novice gardeners. While buying a jar of minced onion at the grocery store will undoubtedly yield excellent cooking results, some people enjoy growing and dehydrating onions grown in their backyard garden. When starting from seed, most onion varieties have a growth rate of 100 to 175 days to harvest. Planted in early spring, onions typically require at least ten hours of sunlight daily.

Dehydrating backyard onions is a great way to enjoy their healthy, flavorful goodness all year. Start by thoroughly washing two to three pounds of onion before removing the skin and root. The onions can then be diced or cut into strips and placed in single lines. If you have access to a food dehydrator, set the temperature at 125 degrees and dehydrate the onions for four to eight hours.

Oven dehydration also produces excellent results when placing the cut onion on a parchment-covered baking sheet. Set the oven to 140 degrees and stir every 30 minutes to ensure even dehydration.