Home Articles Is Your Home Energy-Efficient Enough for the Winter?

Is Your Home Energy-Efficient Enough for the Winter?


Winter is approaching, and as many corporations continue to allow their employees to work from home  or use a hybrid model, rising energy bills will be a major concern for families as temperatures drop. This  article discusses a few energy-saving tips to help you save money when you’re spending more time  indoors due to the cold.

Ensure your room isn’t leaking heat

Do you know that windows can account for up to one-third of a home’s heat loss? As a result, your  electricity bills will go up, putting a burden on your budget. So, the first and most important step will be  to prevent warm air from escaping through the windows. You can significantly reduce heat loss from a  warm room by using energy-efficient window coverings. Choosing the most effective window  treatments for heat retention will not only save you money, but it will also improve the comfort of your  home and contribute to the reduction of the negative environmental effects of fossil fuel use. Before  winter hits, make sure your windows and doors are properly dressed to keep the cold out and enjoy a  warm, comforting atmosphere at home. Here are a few easy-to-install window treatment alternatives  that will also enhance the appearance of your home:

  • Cellular shades are the most energy efficient window treatment solution available as the connected honeycomb-shaped spaces trap air, resulting in a layer of insulation. Opt for double cell over single cell cellular shades for enhanced insulation. Choose a top-down, bottom-up  design for optimal light and heat control. The unique design of these shades allows you to  control the quantity of sunlight throughout the day. Cellular shades are sleek and fashionable,  and come in many colours. They go great with drapes for a vibrant effect.
  • Drapery, like blinds or shades, provides an additional layer of insulation. Beautiful curtains are available in an infinite number of designs, textures, colours, and materials. It can be combined with other window treatments to achieve the desired appearance while also maintaining the  desired temperature. It is ideal to use fabric that reaches the floor or windowsill. Using partial  day or night curtains can also help you save energy.
  • Solar shades are insulating window coverings that do not block off the view outside. Unlike other window treatments, solar shades are transparent during the day, allowing you to see the outdoors while protecting your home from harmful UV rays. They can also be put on the outside  of your house for extra insulation. Since these shades are transparent, use them in areas where  privacy isn’t an issue.
  • Roman shades are another excellent option energy efficient homes in winter. They are available in a wide range of materials, colours, and styles to complement any room’s décor, from traditional to modern. To save even more energy, consider adding a thermal lining to your  Roman shades.
  • Shutters increase the value and elegance of your home. They have fewer gaps than other window coverings due to their tight fit to the window frame. The moveable panels of the shutters block the passage of air. Shutters create a barrier that keeps you warm while saving you  money in the winter. When summer arrives, shutters will still be a great investment because  they can be adjusted to block out the sun and hot, humid air.

Tip: Open the curtains on sunlit windows during the day to help improve temperatures via solar energy.  Just keep in mind to close the drapes at night.

Optimize the use of thermostats

In the winter, when you are at home during the day, the ideal thermostat temperature is 20 degrees  Celsius. Reduce your heating expenditures by around 10% by lowering the thermostat by 2-3 degrees  when you sleep at night. Additionally, a smart thermostat can be programmed to control the  temperature when you are home or away. Certain smart thermostats allow you to control your heating  and cooling system remotely through your phone, voice, or a mobile app. Modern heating systems can  achieve up to 98 percent efficiency, reducing your energy bills by half. So, if your furnace is old and  needs frequent repair, replace it with a newer, more efficient model.

How to use devices efficiently?

Winter is the time when you and your family members choose to spend the most of the day indoors,  watching TV, playing games and surfing the net. Naturally, the use of gadgets and devices goes up,  leading to an increase in energy bills. As a result, it is critical to maintain your gadgets properly and to  operate your appliances and heating equipment in an energy-saving mode. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Avoid leaving electrical equipment like televisions, DVD players, set-top boxes, phone chargers, and other gadgets on standby mode. Turn them off fully when you are not using them. Adopt measures to minimize the use of your mobile data and the internet. Consider investing in a high tech power strip that allows you to plug in more devices and equipment while also making it  easier to turn them all off at once.
  • Check that your TV’s standard or normal picture setting is selected. Keep energy-saving features such as automatic brightness control turned on.
  • Enabling ‘auto power down’ on your gaming console will ensure that it enters low-power mode when not in use.
  • Inspect your furnace filter on a regular basis. Make sure the furnace filters are clean so that the equipment isn’t working harder than necessary. If the filters cannot be cleaned and reused, consider replacing them completely.
  • Inspect the air vents at your home to ensure they are clear of obstructions. Blocked vents mean your furnace has to work harder.
  • The pipes that supply hot water to your home’s faucets, showers, and other appliances may not be insulated properly. Insulating these pipelines will prove to be energy-efficient. • If you have gas or oil central heating, get your boiler serviced by a skilled professional once a  year to ensure it’s in good working order.
  • You can prevent heat from escaping by keeping your fireplace damper closed unless there is a fire burning. Leaving the damper open allows hot air to escape up the chimney. This will result in wastage of energy if you’re trying to keep the house warm.
  • Cold air can get in and warm air can escape through gaps in your doors, windows, and floors. Installing draught excluders on your doors and windows is a good idea to prevent this. Sealants, insulating strips, wooden beading, or even cloth or newspaper pieces can be used for this  purpose.

It is critical to conserve electricity throughout the winter months in order to cut your energy bills. So,  when the temperature drops, use the strategies outlined above to conserve energy as well as reduce  your carbon footprint. Have a wonderful winter!