Home Articles Few Steps to Smash Your PhD dissertation proposal

Few Steps to Smash Your PhD dissertation proposal


PhD is the highest level of education in the academic circle and it can only be obtained after having completed the bachelors and master’s degrees. Once a student is completed with their PhD, they can have the prefix of a doctor before their name as a reward for the hard work.

PhD is a challenging field of study; it requires in-depth research and analysis on a subject that has either never been researched before or has very limited literature available. Like another field of studies, a PhD also has dissertation reports as their culminating stage. A PhD student has to compose a report on the topic they choose themselves related to their major study subject.

Even though, the topic is chosen by the pupils themselves; writing a dissertation proposal at PhD level can be demanding yet stimulating. Scholars have to be keen on studying, investigating, and composing the report so that it qualifies the standards of getting published.

 What does the Dissertation Proposal include?

Dissertation proposals are the most crucial paper of a student’s academic life because it is through this paper that the candidate can convince their instructors and others about their knowledge and understanding of the subject.

That is why it is advised to pay extra attention to dissertation writing. It includes a projected plan of work, a comprehensive scope of the entire project, a research question or questions, research methodology, and an inclusive significance of the study.

In other words, a dissertation proposal explains the candidate’s interest, how they will carry out their plan to study the topic, and why they believe the topic is necessary to be studied deeply. (Bennett, n.d.)

 How to ace dissertation writing?

Although the ability to write a good dissertation paper comes with time and requires a lot of practice. However, if the candidate follows some of the widely suggested, tested, and approved methods of composing a report; there is a high possibility of having them succeed in their first or second draft only.

Following are some of the tips that can help the scholar to ace the dissertation proposal; (The European Education, n.d.)

  1. Be organized 

It is imperative for the student to divide their time properly prior to commencing the writing part or even researching. A schedule must be set and followed religiously in order to have desired results.

Deferring and procrastination can not only delay the work but would create hindrance in the productivity as well because the writer will lose the flow of writing thus, affecting the content in the dissertation.

  1. Select the topic wisely

It is advised that a writer must opt for the topic that they have an interest in not what others suggest is good for them. Selecting a topic that the writer is excited about would lead to thorough and fine research and the student would enjoy working on the dissertation rather than considering it an arduous school project.

  1. Understand the structure 

Usually, either the institution or the instructor allots the writing pattern and style for the dissertation according to their preference or acceptance of the institution.

The writer must understand the standards of the writing structure provided and should compose the draft accordingly. The main purpose of the dissertation is, the instructor must get to know the level of knowledge possessed by the student and how well they can impart that knowledge to others.

All these aspects are measured by the structure and content of the dissertation.

  1. Keep the reader in mind 

It is one of the smartest approaches to writing the dissertation proposal while keeping the reader in mind. When the writer has their audience in concentration, they know what they should write in order to make the reader excited and keep them engaged.

After all the reader is whom, the dissertation is being written for, that is why it is necessary to understand the reader’s point of view while writing the report.

  1. Do not Rush

It is vital for the writer to understand that writing and composing a dissertation can be a time-consuming task because it requires extensive research and has a set standard of writing. Therefore, it is necessary for the writer to accept the fact and do not rush with the writing stage.

The slower the better, however, it should not be made stagnant. A little progress every day is mandatory. Nonetheless, rushing can make the writer miss some peculiar details that might be important for the reader. (Kuther, 2019)

Above are some of the methods that should be taken care of prior to writing, however, there are a few steps more than tell how the writer can improve his paper that is supposed to be published. For example;

  • ► Title 

The title is the first thing that a reader reads and decides whether it is relevant for them to read the rest of the paper. To make the reader excited about the research paper it is necessary to title your report with a catchy yet appropriate name. (The Graduate Writing Center, n.d.)

A good title should transport the gist of your study and analysis and must fulfil the following;

  • Position your readers to the topic that has been researched or discussed in the paper.
  • Specify the type of study that the writer has performed   
  • ► Citation, Referencing, and Bibliography 

Since a writer needs to take help from other already published reports and researches, they should in a proper manner mention the author’s name and his work where the writer is taking help from. A report must include all sources cited and referenced at the end of the report.

  • ► Introduction

Introduction un the dissertation paper gives the background view and inform the readers about a few details like; (Faryadi, 2012)

  • How the topic was selected
  • Why the topic was selected
  • What problem or issue the writer would be addressing
  • What measures the writer suggests to solve the problem
  • What are the anticipated results of the report?
  • How the report is going to benefit the reader

All these questions are answered briefly so the reader is aware of what they can expect from the rest of the paper where they can find all the details in a descriptive manner.

  • ► Literature Review

Literature review means already researching and analyzing data and findings on a similar topic by qualified and accredited scholars and researchers that can be used as support for your research. The following thing should be considered while reviewing the literature, for example;

  • Is the literature review authentic and discusses the problem statement?
  • is the literature significantly supporting the topic in question?
  • Is the final judgment of the researcher rational, appropriate, and convincing?
  • ► Proofread and review 

Lastly, the writer must take professional assistance in getting their paper proofread and reviewed as a final stage before making the submission. There are tons of facilities available like Dissertation services Scotland based, England based, Ireland based, and many more that the
PhD students can take advantage of.
Following these few steps mentioned above can enable the student to compose a well-researched, well-structured, and well-composed dissertation proposal.