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Why California Students Are Not Affected by Daylight Saving Time Clock Changes – Daily News

time to switch

Daylight saving time ends at 2am on Sunday.the Senate sunshine method It dates back to March. The bill would make daylight saving time permanent from 2023. The bill must be approved by the House and signed by the President.

Since 2015, about 30 states have introduced laws to do away with the semi-annual watch replacement, with some proposing to do so only if neighboring states do the same. increase.

Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, who introduced the sunshine protection law, suggested that the sunshine protection law would reduce crime, encourage children to play outside, and lower the risk of heart attacks and car accidents. .

The House Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing on the issue last spring, and committee chair Rep. Frank Pallone said: It can also wreak havoc on sleep patterns in children and pets. ”

Pallone is in favor of ending clock switching, but has not decided whether to support daylight saving time or standard time as a permanent option.

At the hearing, Beth Malow, head of the Vanderbilt Sleep Division, argued that daylight saving time makes it harder to wake up in the morning, saying, “It’s like living in the wrong time zone for almost eight months of the year.” said.

But research is mixed across the board, with the American Academy of Sleep Medicine advocating the opposite switch to a permanent standard time, citing research showing our bodies work best with more sunlight in the morning. is supporting

Note: In California, Senate Bill 328 Taking effect this year, high school must start by 8:30 am and middle school by 8:00 am.

let’s talk time

When the hands of the clock turn back, the time in the day increases by 3,600 seconds. Not a lot considering that there are 86,400 seconds in a day. The first watches with a second hand appeared in his 1750s.

over the years

In formal usage, the eon is the longest part of geological time (the second longest epoch). Three eras are recognized for him: the Phanerozoic (from the present to the beginning of the Cambrian), the Proterozoic, and the Archean. Less formally, eon often refers to he billion-year span.

The next four calculations are National Park Service Geologist:

string time

If 1 inch of string represents 1 year, then 6 feet is the average life expectancy of a person living in the United States. The string representing all recorded human history is 1.6 miles long. Also, the string representing the age of the Earth is 72,600 miles long. A string of that length can circle the earth three times around her.

purchase time

Let’s say the quarters represent each year in Earth’s history. A stack of 4.6 billion quarters would be over 5,000 miles tall. Such stacks can reach from where you are through the center of the earth to the other side.

give time

Spread your arms wide. Look at one hand as the width of the arm represents all geological epochs. The fingertips represent the formation of the Earth and the beginning of geological epochs. Look at your other hand. The Cambrian begins at the wrist of this hand, and the Permian extinction is at the opposite end of the palm. The Cenozoic is in your fingerprint, eradicating human history with the stroke of a nail file.

geological time scale as calendar year

Geologic time began ticking when the Earth formed about 4.6 billion years ago. Converting this enormous amount of time into calendar years, each of the 12 months represents 383 million years (4.6 billion divided by 12). There are generally 365 days in a year, so one day represents 12.6 million years in the geological calendar. There are 24 hours in a day, so one hour represents 525,114 “geological years”. There are 60 minutes in an hour, so 1 minute represents 8,752 “geological years”. Finally, there are 60 seconds in a minute, so a “geological second” represents 146 years.

Some geological “holidays” are listed below, in line with the geological calendar.

January 1: Formation of the Earth

February 13: Oldest Rock Formation Known

March 27: First Recorded Life Form

November 19: Cambrian ‘explosion’ of hard-shelled life

November 23: Life moves to land (Ordovician)

November 26: First mass extinction (end of Ordovician period)

December 3: Second mass extinction (end of the Devonian)

December 12: Third and largest mass extinction in history (end of the Permian)

December 15: Fourth mass extinction (Triassic)

December 15: Dinosaurs gain the upper hand

December 19: Fifth and most famous mass extinction.dinosaurs go extinct

December 19: Flowering plants begin to cover the landscape

December 31: Pleistocene Ice Age (last 3 hours 26 minutes)

December 31, 23:38 Homo sapiens (modern humans) emerges

December 31, 11:59 PM: Beginning of the geological epoch in which we live (Holocene)

done in no time

4.6 billion years is a long time span of many years. Jiffy is a measurement in electronics, computing, astrophysics and quantum physics. In physics, it’s about the same time it takes light to travel 1 cm in a vacuum, about 33.3564 picoseconds (1 picosecond is one trillionth of a second).

Sources: Associated Press, Timeanddate.com, National Park Service, NBC News, National Congress, California State Legislature

https://www.dailynews.com/2022/11/04/why-california-students-wont-be-impacted-by-daylight-saving-time-clock-changes/ Why California Students Are Not Affected by Daylight Saving Time Clock Changes – Daily News

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