What is the average home price in East Sacramento?
The median price per square foot for a home in East Sacramento in the past two weeks was $565, which is the highest in the county. That’s $249 more than the Sacramento County median.
After East Sacramento, the most expensive community in Sacramento County is Oak Park/Tahoe Park/Elmhurst, where the median price per square foot in the past two weeks was $389.
The best deal can be found in Downtown and Midtown, where the median price per square foot of a home sold is $245.
In the past two weeks, a 1,326-square-foot home on 40th Street in East Sacramento sold for $750,000.
The figures in this text are based on sales registered during the week of May. 8.
https://www.sacbee.com/news/business/real-estate-news/article275625441.html What is the average home price in East Sacramento?