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Top State for Business in 2023: California

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California Scores and Rankings

Category 2023 score 2023 rank 2022 Rank 2023 grade
Labor force 241 12 16 B.
infrastructure 205 26 twenty five C+
economic 152 37 17 D+
life, health and inclusion 207 19 26 C+
business cost 83 45 48 D.
technology and innovation 235 1 1 A+
business friendly 53 47 48 F.
education 78 9 11 B+
access to capital 49 1 1 A+
Cost of living Four 49 48 F.
whole 1307 twenty five 29

economic profile

Governor: Gavin Newsom, Democrat

Population: 39,029,342

GDP Growth (Q1 2023): 1.20%

Unemployment rate (May 2023): 4.50%

Maximum corporate tax rate: 8.84%

Maximum personal income tax rate: 12.30%

Gas tax: 86.55 cents/gallon

Bond Rating (Moody’s/S&P): Aa2, Stable/AA-, Positive

Economic Profile Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Federation of Tax Administrators, American Petroleum Institute (includes 18.40 cents/gallon federal tax), Moody’s Investors Service, S&P Global Market Intelligence

Learn more about the top states for business in America in 2023

https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/11/top-states-for-business-california.html Top State for Business in 2023: California

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