Home Articles Should You Buy a Cuban Chain? 4 Things to Consider

Should You Buy a Cuban Chain? 4 Things to Consider


So you’re looking for a way to upgrade your outfits? You’ve tried everything from watches, rings, and bracelets, but nothing is doing the job.

You’re confident in your style because you’ve gotten many compliments before. But it doesn’t mean you can’t add an accessory to enhance it further.

That’s where the Cuban chain comes in. It’s a versatile and stylistic piece that will have people treating you differently but in a good way.

You may have thought about buying one before but didn’t have much information to work with. That’s where we come in; we’ll give you a few things to consider before buying a Cuban chain.

Should You Buy a Cuban Chain? 4 Things to Consider

1. What Size Chain Do You Want?

The size is one of the first things you’ll have to consider before buying a Cuban link. You’ll notice they come in various lengths and widths.

Length-wise, most Cuban chains can start from your collarbone and go down to your chest. You can get them longer if necessary, but you may have to pay more.

For their width, Cuban links are measured in millimeters and come in sizes such as:

  • 4mm
  • 8mm
  • 10mm
  • 12mm
  • 14mm

The wider sizes like 12 or 14mm (sometimes even bigger) are what you’ll see most professional athletes wear because they stand out a lot. So if you want everyone’s heads to turn as you’re walking past, get this type of chain.

However, if your style is subtler, you should get a 4 or 8mm chain. They’ll complement your outfits well, and you can still make heads turn.

2. Is There a Specific Metal Finish You Prefer?

Next, you’ll need to consider the type of metal finish you want for your Cuban chain. Most are made from popular finishes like gold and silver.

However, there is the option to get them in rose or white gold too. Take a look at your wardrobe and other accessories to see which type of finish would best suit your style.

3. How Will You Wear It?

Do you know why Cuban chains are so popular? It’s because of their versatility. They aren’t only for occasions like going to the club or fancy dinner parties—you can wear them with pretty much anything.

So if you want to enhance your work outfit, a Cuban chain can do the job. Are you going for a casual outing with some friends? Add a Cuban for a little bit of flair.

Also, you can elevate your athleisure because of its durability. So wear them while exercising or playing recreational sports and show people how you can style on them.

Depending on your preference, you can add a pendant to your chain. You can get the “Jesus Piece” like rappers and athletes, although that will cost more. Or you can add something that represents your identity, telling others about you from a glance at your chain.

If you like Cuban chains of multiple sizes, you can layer them for a more enhanced look. Try various combinations and see which complements your style.

Should You Buy a Cuban Chain? 4 Things to Consider

4. Are You Good With Maintenance?

A tradition often done with Cuban chains is passing them down between generations, which is a testament to their durability. But although they’re durable, it doesn’t mean a certain level of care isn’t necessary.

If you wear it often, you’ll have to clean it more. But don’t worry; the cleaning process isn’t extensive. All you need is a soft toothbrush and a soft cloth. Here are the cleaning steps for a Cuban link:

  1. Use the toothbrush to get between the chain’s crevices
  2. Rub away surface oils with the soft cloth
  3. Store it in a cool dark place

Now, if your Cuban link needs a deeper clean (from wearing it non-stop), you’ll have to soak it in water for a few minutes. Then follow up with the steps above. Also, be sure to dry it thoroughly, so water doesn’t harm your chain.

When storing it, don’t just throw it in a drawer somewhere. Most chains will come with a storage box where you can place them. Then put it somewhere away from sunlight.

Remember, you’ll be responsible for maintenance. So if you want your chain to last long, create a maintenance schedule for at least one clean a month so that you can manage the upkeep.

Consider These Reasons Before Buying a Cuban Chain

As you can see, there are a few things you’ll need to consider before buying a Cuban chain. They’re stylish and durable accessories that come with different finishes. Plus you can wear them with any outfit.

But you’ll need to maintain them every now and then to keep the quality high. So if you’re ready to commit to looking good for the rest of your life, don’t hesitate and get a Cuban chain today.