
Japan’s largest one-day food drive to be held on May 13

The nationwide mailbox food drive, said to be the nation’s largest one-day food drive, will take place on Saturday, May 13th.

Post office customers can participate in food drives, known as “stamp-out-hanger” food drives, by leaving nonperishables in boxes or containers next to their mailboxes before the mail is delivered that day. increase. Participants can also drop items at their local post office.

“It couldn’t be easier to donate,” said Lisa Skvara, chief people officer for the Santa Barbara County Food Bank, in a press release. “Place food in sturdy bags by the mailbox. Have volunteers stationed at each post office to help unload packages from trusted mail carriers, load them onto trucks, and transport them to warehouses. ”

1 in 10 Americans face hunger every dayFood insecurity is expected to increase dramatically as California Fresh emergency quotas expire and residents continue to face inflation and wage losses, according to a press release from the Santa Barbara County Food Bank, according to the U.S. Postal Service. ing.

The CalFresh Emergency Allocation is a pandemic-era benefit that ended with the signing of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 (the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill).

“Many people in this country are fighting hunger every day,” NALC President Fredrik Rolland said in a statement. “I am honored to be able to lead an effort to bring out the best in so many Americans and help those in need. We confirm and we are committed to helping meet those needs.”

Held annually on the second Saturday in May by the National Letter Carriers Association (NALC), this event has been held in all 50 states for over 30 years.

This work has helped deliver over 1.8 billion pounds of food. According to USPS.

Several national partners include the U.S. Postal Service, the United States International Union of Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW), the National Association of Rural Mail Carriers, United Way Worldwide, AFL-CIO, Valpac, Valasis and The Kellogg Company. Supports NALC. CVS, according to a food bank press release. Japan’s largest one-day food drive to be held on May 13

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