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How much does it cost to buy a home in Plumas Lake & Yuba City?

The median price per square foot for a home in Plumas Lake & Yuba City decreased in the past week to $255. That’s the same price as the Yuba County median. Prior to this, the median price per square foot of a home sold in Plumas Lake & Yuba City was $279.

In the past week, a 862-square-foot home on Morton Street in Plumas Lake & Yuba City sold for $220,000.

The figures in this text are based on sales registered during the week of Oct. 2.

This article was generated by the Sac Bee Bot, software that analyzes structured information, such as data, and applies it to articles based on templates created by journalists in the newsroom. No human journalist was harmed in this experiment. You can report errors or bugs to mcclatchybot@mcclatchy.com.

https://www.sacbee.com/news/business/real-estate-news/article280611434.html How much does it cost to buy a home in Plumas Lake & Yuba City?

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