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Here’s how many lives Gov. Gavin Newson claims his COVID-19 policies saved – Daily News

Pandemic summary

Three years after the shutdown, people are still getting COVID-19, including Gov. Gavin Newsom, who tested positive this week.

california numbers

CDC data as of March 1.


12,101,930 total

30,628 per 100K

26,162 new cases in the past week

fatalities (number

Total 100,426 (0.8% of cases)

239 in the past week

254 deaths per 100K

Over the past three years, California has been hit by drought, massive fires, record gas prices, raging winter storms, and, like the rest of the world, the coronavirus pandemic.

California leads the nation in COVID-19 cases and deaths.

On the bright side, the state’s death rate per 100,000 people (254) is lower than most other populous states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The numbers are from Governor Gavin Newsom’s office release In a February 28, 2023 statement, “California has the lowest death rate of any large state. If California had the death rate of Texas, 27,000 more people would have died here. If California were Florida’s proportion, that number jumps to about 56,000 deaths.”

california mortality About the same as Mexico, Spain and France, but not as low as Panama, Germany and Ecuador, close to 200 per 100,000 people.

Vietnam has about the same number of cases as California and its mortality rate is 44.37 per 100,000 people.

The governor’s memo touched on the economics arising from the pandemic, stating, “Since February 2021, California has created 1,628,300 new jobs, far more than any other state, and the largest share of the nation’s employment.” Over 16%.By comparison, in the same time frame, Texas created 1,133,200 jobs (11.3% of the national total) and Florida created 787,600 jobs (7.9% of the national total).”

The statement does not mention that California’s population of 40 million is 10 million more than Texas and almost twice as many as Florida’s 22 million.

California’s unemployment rate was also high during the pandemic.As of January 2022, the unemployment rate in California was 5.8%, Texas at 4.8% and Florida at 3.5%.

Spring 2020 saw record unemployment rates in all three states. California had the highest at 16.8%, Florida at 14.1% and Texas at 12.8%.

COVID-19 remains a problem as the state averaged more than 2,000 new cases a day in the first week of March and 2,336 patients were hospitalized with the virus on Monday. At its peak in January 2021, he had more than 21,000 hospitalizations in California.

Recent California Infections

This map shows the percentage change in infection levels compared to the previous 7 days. The map is from February 23rd to March 1st.

No more hierarchies

Early in the pandemic, states had a four-color indicator that enacted closures when areas were in the purple (extensive) and red (substantial) strata. If the state’s four-color hierarchy system is still in place, it will be in the red with 6.9 new cases per 100,000 people and a 6.5% positive test rate as of Tuesday.

California’s COVID-19 emergency was officially declared on February 28th.


Graphs are from the California Department of Public Health. Immunized hospitalization is defined as those who received at least two doses of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine or one dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine at least two weeks before testing positive for COVID-19. defined as occurring.

Unvaccinated cases, hospitalizations or deaths are cases that occur in people who have not received the COVID-19 vaccine.

Calculations of proportions by vaccination and booster status are influenced by several factors that make recent trends particularly difficult to interpret. Factors such as immunity from previous infections, decreased defenses related to time since vaccination, and differences in prevention and testing behaviors by age and vaccination status have had a greater impact on the data over time. increase.

fatalities (number

Weekly Trends in California COVID-19 Deaths Reported to CDC

Definitions of COVID-19 cases and deaths in many jurisdictions include both confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases and deaths, according to the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists .

Comparison of cases and deaths

The distribution of confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths reveals wide disparities across age groups in California. People aged 18 to her 49 have a disproportionate number of cases. Deaths over the age of 65 are disproportionate.

Source: California Department of Public Health, CDC, Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, California Governor’s Office, Bureau of Labor Statistics

https://www.dailynews.com/2023/03/10/heres-how-many-lives-gov-gavin-newson-is-claiming-he-saved-with-covid-19-policies/ Here’s how many lives Gov. Gavin Newson claims his COVID-19 policies saved – Daily News

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