Home California Factors to Consider When Buying HVAC Thermostats

Factors to Consider When Buying HVAC Thermostats


The appropriate thermostat is necessary to manage your room temperature and make being indoors comfortable. There are so many alternatives on the market that choosing the ideal one may be a difficult challenge. Below are some of the elements to think about while purchasing a smart thermostat.

There has been an effort to examine some of the top thermostats, such as Braeburn on the market to make it easier for you to decide.

  • Dimensions of The Heat Pump

The capacity of your unit should be matched to the square footage of the space to be cooled or heated to guarantee maximal performance and energy savings. When a heat pump is too tiny, it will have to work more to heat or cool the room, lowering its efficacy and efficiency. The added stress may need more frequent repairs and a premature replacement. However, more significant isn’t necessarily better. A device with too much capacity will not cycle frequently enough to dehumidify the room adequately. It will squander energy if it is allowed to operate.

Industry professionals utilize BTUs when discussing and estimating heating and cooling capacity (British Thermal Units). Interior size, number of people, and geographic area are all variables determining a home’s BTU requirements.

Using an online BTU calculator, you can determine the optimal size for your new heat pump. You’ll need your home’s width, length, and ceiling height, as well as information on its insulation. Still, calling your local HVAC consultant is the quickest and most accurate approach to estimate the required capacity.

  • Cost

The price tag and installation charge do not tell the entire story when comparing the actual cost of thermostats. Consider the total cost and possible savings throughout your life. For example, the energy savings from a high-efficiency heat pump might much outweigh the initial savings from a less efficient device.

Upgrades such as new ducting can result in energy savings that compensate for the increased upfront cost. Indeed, poorly designed or broken ductwork can cause substantial heating and cooling loss.

A programmable thermostat such as Viconics is a low-cost modification that has several advantages. Your thermostat, such as Honeywell, should be programmed to match your home’s shifting energy demands throughout the day. For example, in the summer, set colder temperatures at night for sleeping and hotter temperatures during the day when no one is home. 

Don’t miss modifications recommended by your heating professional if you want to realize the benefits of a high-efficiency heat pump.

  • Getting to Know Efficiency Ratings

When it comes to choosing a unit based on its energy efficiency ratings, nothing beats the experience of an HVAC specialist. However, when purchasing a new thermostat system such as lux, having an essential awareness of this terminology is still beneficial.


Your HVAC installer will frequently reference SEER, which stands for seasonal energy efficiency ratio while comparing or discussing heating and cooling equipment. The SEER rating of a unit indicates how efficient it is. Heat pumps can have SEER ratings ranging from 14 (the minimum in the United States, which will increase to 15 in 2023) to the mid-20s for the highest-rated systems. High-efficiency is defined as a SEER value of 14 or higher.


The annual fuel utilization efficiency of a heating system relates to the efficiency of both gas and electric furnaces. The AFUE rating represents the percentage of energy spent by the unit converted to heat. A minimum AFUE of 78 percent is required, with high-efficiency teams averaging 90-97 percent. A unit with a 95 AFUE, for example, turns 95 percent of the fuel to heat. The higher the AFUE rating, the more fuel-efficient the team is and the cheaper the utility bills will be.


The “heating seasonal performance factor” (HSPF) measures how well a heat pump heats up. While the minimum efficiency standard for modern units is 7.7, a high-efficiency system with an efficiency rating of 8.2 or higher will provide additional efficiency and energy savings.

  • Warranty 

A thermostat such as Johnson controls is something that many homeowners install, configure, and then hope they don’t have to bother about for years. This isn’t the type of equipment that people replace every 12 months with a newer model. So, durability is crucial, and you want to know that the manufacturer will back you up if something goes wrong with the equipment. Warranties can last anywhere from two to five years. However, read the tiny print. Some firms will give you a more extended warranty period if you have the gadget professionally installed and a shorter one if you do it yourself.

  • Ease of Installation  

This is less of an issue if you plan to have your thermostat, such as KMC, professionally installed. If you want to do it yourself, be sure the product you select is free of issues. Reading online gadget instructions and viewing manufacturer-produced installation videos are two ways to check this. Does the installation process appear to be intuitive and straightforward? Or will it necessitate the use of specialized components or tools?

It is critical to install thermostats, and you should be cautious when doing so. You may purchase a thermostat and discover that you have squandered your money due to poor wiring or any of the other issues listed above.