Elon Musk revives debate on legalizing cocaine
The New Year often encourages personal resolutions.
It’s often a health issue, but it’s also a savings issue.In this period of economic uncertainty due to the possibility recession In the near future, there is no denying that most of the resolutions for 2023 are related to how best to sustain the environment. purchasing power.
Of course, you can expect traditional solutions like playing the lottery, going back to the gym, working less, eating a balanced and healthy diet, quitting smoking, and using less cars.
The question for governments is often to know what will be prioritized on the political agenda. Lobbies, associations and civil society will use the opportunity to promote the adoption of legislation on issues important to them.
The debate about legalizing and decriminalizing drugs comes up frequently. For a long time, these discussions focused on the decriminalization of cannabis at both the local and federal levels. Some states are beginning to push the idea of legalizing
“That was stupid”
This discussion is especially visible on social networks. Elon Musk, who will become the world’s most influential CEO in 2022, joined without hesitation.
For the techno king known to Tesla, drug bans aren’t entirely good for society. He takes the example of alcohol. He believes that banning alcohol was a “ridiculous” decision and that it contributed to the rise in crime in America.
It all started with a message from a Twitter user who is a fan of Tesla. This user mask is regularly replaced on the platform. The account in question indicated in a message that her 2023 will be “wild” and included a link to the article. economist Advocated for the decriminalization of cocaine.
This article caused a sensation when it was published last October. The headline was very provocative.
“Alcohol bans have caused the largest rise in organized crime in American history,” Musk commented. “It was ridiculous. The same logic applies to other drugs. Alcohol is just a legacy drug.”
The comment delighted Twitter users who saw Musk as a way to support the legalization of cocaine.
“If you do, you’re all doing lines at Twitter headquarters, right?” said the user.
At that time, Tesla CEO (TSLA)- Get Free Report and the SpaceX founder gave an important clarification.
“I’m not pro-drugs, but I’m saying that evidence shows that banning drugs is socially negative,” Musk said.
‘acid test’
The billionaire argues that it is important to judge whether a drug is good or bad for society. He calls this test the “acid test.”
He added that cocaine for him would not pass this test. In other words, contrary to the Twitter user’s original post, legalizing cocaine is not in the interest of society.
“To assess whether a drug is legal or illegal, an acid test can say: [blank] “Cocaine doesn’t meet that bar,” Musk said.
Cocaine legalization advocates want to ride the marijuana wave. Especially after President Biden kept his campaign promise last October by announcing that he would pardon all federal marijuana convictions for simple possession.
They argue that former President Richard Nixon’s war on drugs, especially cocaine, has not really solved the problem. A record of 1,982 tons was set. economist.
These meager figures were achieved despite the fact that the United States has expended large amounts of financial means to reduce supply. Between 2000 and her 2020, the federal government injected billions of dollars into Colombia to curb production.
Cocaine was made illegal after studies concluded that it was a drug that caused seizures, heart failure, respiratory failure, brain hemorrhages, and strokes. Also, it is addictive.
https://www.thestreet.com/technology/elon-musk-revives-debate-on-the-legalization-of-cocaine Elon Musk revives debate on legalizing cocaine