
Does Your Homeowners Insurance Cover Damage From California’s Recent Storms? – Daily News

In recent days, severe winter weather has caused flooding and landslides in many parts of the state. Causes evacuation orders and damages homes, mainly in the Bay Area.

But some homeowners trying to claim insurance after a storm may be surprised to find that their insurance doesn’t cover it.

that in most cases home insurance plan Consider rain and wind damage, such as blown trees hitting your roof. Policies generally do not cover floods, landslides, or debris flows.

“I think a lot of people are in a situation where they might get hit by landslides and floods and they might be out of luck when it comes to compensation,” Santa Cruz.

In designated flood-prone areas, such as coastlines and along rivers, special flood insurance is required to obtain a mortgage. However, homeowners in other lowland areas that have flooded in the past week may not have received the same coverage. Outside of flooded areas, such coverage is optional, similar to earthquake insurance.

Caddy said those looking to buy flood insurance, which normally covers landslides, will have to wait 30 days for the new policy to take effect.

“There’s no immediate way to get that kind of compensation unless people go out and close escrow,” she said.

Santa Cruz and Sonoma counties were hit hardest by the storms, where large wildfires broke out in recent years, burning hundreds of thousands of acres of vegetation that helped hold the soil together.

In these areas, homeowners dealing with landslides may be eligible for coverage regardless of the type of insurance they have.

This comes after the state suffered a devastating landslide in a wildfire burn scar near Santa Barbara in 2018, killing 23 people and causing more than $421 million in damage. That’s because states began requiring insurance companies to cover slides that were damaged.

“When a mudslide or debris flow occurs, it depends on the cause,” said Michael Soller, spokesman for the California Department of Insurance. “(a) If wildfires were the cause…then there may be compensation.”

Homeowners who were evicted during the storm may be able to claim evacuation costs, such as food and lodging, after paying the deductible, Soler said, adding that the amount depends on the policy. depends on “That’s another thing people should be aware of,” he said.

On Wednesday, Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency throughout California in response to the unrelenting weather. But unlike federal proclamations, the move will not free up money for homeowners whose property was destroyed in the storm.

Brian Ferguson, a spokesperson for the Governor’s Emergency Services Agency, said it was unlikely that President Joe Biden would declare a federal emergency, given the relatively limited damage so far.

“Thousands of homes will have to be damaged,” Ferguson said, adding that a total estimate is likely not available until the storm has passed. Attacks are expected and other attacks are likely in the coming days or weeks.

Insurance agents and regulators said homeowners facing damage should first contact their providers to understand their coverage and figure out next steps.The Department of Insurance states that the homeowner should call her 800-927-4357 or 800-927-4357 or

“When in doubt, call your insurance agent or call your insurance company directly,” says Cady. Does Your Homeowners Insurance Cover Damage From California’s Recent Storms? – Daily News

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