
Crew setting up hotspot in Lake County catches fire

Lake County, California (cron) — Wildfires erupted in Lake County, Calif. on Saturday afternoon Lake Sonoma Napa Unit (LNU) twitterAuthorities reported that the fire was about 0.25 acres near Joseph Trail and May Harrow Road on Lower Lake.

The fire was first tweeted at 4:42pm and then announced at 5:31pm that the fire had stopped progressing. The crew will work to get the “next few hours” hot spot out.

According to Cal Fire, the fire is called the “Joseph Fire.”

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The Joseph Trail and May Harrow Road are about 3 miles (5 km) west of Route 29. Lower Lake, a Lake County census-designated site, is located approximately twenty miles (20 miles) north of the northernmost boundary of Napa County in the Bay Area. Crew setting up hotspot in Lake County catches fire

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