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Cardiologist and Patient Run Half Marathon in Sacramento

Karanjit Singh and William Wong jokingly called each other this week, one accusing him of laying eggs. Running the Urban Cow Half Marathon this Sunday in Sacramento.

Singh is a doctor, actually a cardiologist at Dignity Health, and Wong is his patient. But at their jousting, they sounded like friends.

Wong, 71, had a heart attack and a quintuple bypass in 2013, and soon after had another heart attack that required a stent. Wong, an avid runner since his 20s, said either his genes or his eating habits likely caused his ticker problem by eating jumbo bags of Costco corn chips. rice field.

He knew he had to keep his heart healthy, so in 2017, when he left the freezing winter outside Detroit and moved to the warmer climate of Sacramento, he signed on as a patient for Singh. Did. Since then, he has had his cardiologist put his pace to the test and has been pestering him for tests and checkups.

“Mr. Wong is a nice guy, but he’s very persuasive,” Shin said, eliciting a chuckle from Wong. This guy has been bothering me since 2017 and I put him through numerous stress tests to prove his heart was fine. did.”

The 59-year-old doctor said he decided to go a different route by offering to run a half-marathon with his patient to show Wong he was confident in his mental health this year.

“It was one of those moments,” Singh said. “When I looked at[Mr. Wong]he looked at me and jumped on and said, ‘Will you run with me?’ I will run with you.” And that was the beginning. ”

This offer meant a lot to Wong.

Dr. Singh persuaded me to do this. I’m not going to trust you 100%. No way. I have to tell Dr. Singh that I will soon be 72 years old. I have seen many doctors in my life, but I have never been encouraged by one to attend a physical event or activity. like this. And Dr. Singh’s response, perhaps jokingly, was, “Well, I’m not a doctor.” … I agree 100%. ”

Singh was so impressed with the idea of ​​running with one of his patients that he decided to see if other patients would like to participate.he He wrote messages on the whiteboard in his office, encouraging patients to run with their doctors.

Fourteen other patients enrolled in the Urban Cow half marathon, as did two others from the Dignity Health team. Everyone does it at their own pace, but Singh invited us over to her home for pre-race dinner on Saturday.

Dignity Health cardiologist Dr. Karanjit Singh (left) and William “Bill” Wong share a laugh at Gold River on Friday. They plan to run the Urban Kau half marathon on Sunday. Singh plans to run with about 15 patients, but the idea is to help Wong, 71, feel more confident about his heart health. It was born when I wanted to help you become a better person and offered to run with me.leslie sterling lsterling@sacbee.com

How Cardiologists Stay Healthy

Singh, who also swims and bikes as part of his weekly exercise regimen, said he also plans to hold events with patients who regularly participate in these sports.

Even in his personal life, Singh has always tried to model healthy choices. Then he read that the American diet was also causing girls to hit puberty earlier and earlier. increase the risk of breast cancer.

He had two daughters and a son and wanted them to live long and healthy lives. He gave up meat in his 2003 and adopted a vegetarian diet.

“I’m a big proponent of a whole food, plant-based diet,” Singh said. …these are very important things that are very essential to your overall health.”

Singh has also resumed the running exercises he enjoyed as a child. He has completed a marathon every year for about 10 years, and in 2011 he completed the California International Marathon here in the Sacramento area.

It makes sense for cardiologists to start playing this sport. Reduces risk of heart disease Helps prevent blood clots in arteries and blood vessels. Walking, swimming and cycling have similar benefits.

Singh has successfully encouraged his children to develop heart-healthy habits at home, and recently completed a half marathon with his daughter.

“MMedicine is a calling,” said Singh, who practices at Dignity’s Spanos Heart & Vascular Center.

Dignity Health cardiologist Dr. Karanjit Singh (left) takes to the trail on Friday with one of his patients, William “Bill” Wong, at Gold River as he prepares for Sunday’s Urban Cow Half Marathon. Singh offers to run a half marathon with Wong in order to help Wong boost his confidence as a pacemaker-using runner. The idea grew and he now runs Urban Cow with his 15 patients.leslie sterling lsterling@sacbee.com

run far with 71

Since Singh and Wong agreed to run the Urban Cow Half Marathon on June 3, Wong has been testing his heart in a new way. He focuses on how far he can run, not just how fast he can run.

“When Dr. Singh approached me to run a half marathon, I said, ‘The longest I’ve run since my heart attack was 10 kilometers. I thought that was my limit.’ ” said Wong.I wasn’t confident that I could do it, but I did my best. ”

Wong pushed himself “like runners tend to do,” he said. I am running in

“I know I can run that distance,” he said. “I am confident about it.”

Wong’s son Michael is flying from New York to Sacramento on Saturday. An avid cyclist, he started running so he could jog with his dad at Urban Cow events.

As Singh watched patients, Dignity staff, and even patient relatives register, he began to realize that the event was going to be as special as the moment he and Wong agreed.

“Many of my patients become my friends and I openly joke with them. Someday I think I should pay you to come see me.” It was one of those moments.”

Dignity Health cardiologist Dr. Karanjit Singh (left) runs with one of his patients, William “Bill” Wong, at Gold River on Friday in preparation for Sunday’s Urban Cow Half Marathon. Singh will take care of about 15 patients, but the idea is to help his 71-year-old Wong feel more confident about his heart health after surviving several heart attacks. was born whenleslie sterling lsterling@sacbee.com

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Cathy Anderson covers healthcare for The B. Growing up, her blue-collar parents paid out of pocket for her care. In 2002 she joined The Bee, a business she has held roles such as columnist and feature editor. She previously worked for newspapers such as the Dallas She’s Morning News, Detroit News, Austin American She’s The Statesman.

https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/health-and-medicine/article266587916.html Cardiologist and Patient Run Half Marathon in Sacramento

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