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Auckland man murder and robbery back to juvenile court

AUCKLAND — A 21-year-old man charged with committing a series of violent crimes when he was 16 has been extradited to juvenile court, records show.

Ziki Nobles of San Leandro, Billed in 2021 The charges of murder, five counts of attempted murder, three counts of robbery and one count of attempted robbery, all related to a series of crimes in 2017 when he was still a teenager. Since then, Nobles has bounced back and forth between juvenile court and adult court, and now may at least be back and forth again.

A June order signed by an Alameda County Superior Court judge after Nobles’ attorney filed a motion citing a new state law that would change the legal standard for judging teens as adults. approved Nobles’ transfer from adult court to juvenile court. The new law requires judges to find “by clear and persuasive evidence that a minor is ineligible for rehabilitation while under the jurisdiction of a juvenile court,” favoring rehabilitation rather than punishment. intended to be emphasized.

In 2021, Judge Scott Jackson transferred Nobles from juvenile court to adult court, stating in a written judgment that Nobles led an “adult lifestyle” and that his criminal charges were premeditated and “premeditated.” It was certified that he showed sophistry far beyond the age of 16.

For example, in this robbery, aristocrats allegedly created false identities, lured victims to a place they felt safe, and then robbed them of iPhones advertised online. The murder weapon is believed to have been disposed of.

But Jackson’s orders also note that the aristocrat had a terrifying childhood. His parents were both incarcerated, and he witnessed and experienced domestic violence, witnessed people being killed in front of him, and was stabbed as a child, according to court records. .

“No wonder Zulki sought some form of family ties,” Ms. Jackson wrote, adding that she “unfortunately” found family ties by joining a street gang. The order also states that “oppositional defiant disorder, major depressive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, cannabis use disorder, opioid use disorder, child neglect, child physical name, and child psychological abuse.” It is said that he has been diagnosed as “suspicion of

Nobles was charged with the murder of 18-year-old Thorne Mausia in Oakland on November 5, 2017. Mausia previously dated Nobles’ sister, who graduated from Skyline High School and had a 4.0 GPA, according to a GoFundMe page written by his grandmother. Mausia’s younger brother was also shot at the time of the shooting, and other family members were nearby, police said.

“[Mausia]was wise beyond his years. He listened to those who needed comfort… When he saw someone suffering, he never judged, always the weak.” I stood up for you,” the GoFundMe page says.

According to a police detective’s probable cause report, the police interviewed the aristocrat in August 2018, and the aristocrat admitted his involvement. Omar Daza-Kiros. But according to Jackson’s orders, Nobles had evaded police questioning in an interview the year before.

Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price, who won a stunning 2022 election campaign on the side of judicial reform, has vowed not to judge children as adults. However, authorities have not officially indicated whether they will continue prosecution in adult courts if the aristocrats are again transferred to adult courts.

Nobles is scheduled to appear in court again on July 6, according to records.

https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2023/07/04/oakland-mans-murder-and-robbery-case-headed-back-to-juvenile-court/ Auckland man murder and robbery back to juvenile court

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